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每个材质都有漫反射、凹凸和高光贴图。Every material has diffuse, bump and specular map.

在近红外区域,本文采用了漫反射测量方式。Diffuse reflection mode is used in Near-Infrared region.

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此时其镜面反射能力减弱,漫反射能力增强。Its specula reflection weakened while scattering reflection reinforced.

轻微调节落地桶鼓的摆放角度使声波散射和漫反射。Angling a tom slightly causes sound waves to scatter, and diffuses them.

第一种材质是漫反射材质,第二种是一点点绿色高光漫反射材质。First texture is diffuse texture. Second is little greeny diffuse texture.

左边绘画中显示的是屋顶在日光下发生漫反射。The rooftops in the painting onthe left show diffuse reflection on a dry, sunny day.

漫反射,高光,自发光纹理或光照贴图将被压缩到PVR4格式。Diffuse, specular, emission textures or light maps will be compressed into PVR4 format.

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闪闪发光的银色球的漫反射光线应该是银色的,其镜面反射部分为白色。The shiny silver ball's diffused color would be silver and its specular component white.

漫反射阴影滑块值不再隐藏在阴影斜坡偏移滑块的背后。The Diffuse shadow slider value is no longer hidden behind the Shadow slope offset slider.

在目标子模型里将目标描述为一漫反射的球体来模拟坦克炮塔。The target is modeled as a diffusely reflecting hemisphere, for example, the turret of a tank.

阐述了目标的漫反射特性对非合作目标相位式激光测距仪中光功率探测的重要性。The fabrication process of glass and glass microsphere for laser cooperation target was studied.

采用漫反射方法时,必须充分考虑粉末颗粒度以及装样等实验条件的选择。When diffuse reflection is used, experiment condition, powder size and sampling should be considered.

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采用桔纹漫反射板,使光线柔和且照射角度大。Adopting reflection plate like orange surface so as to make light soft and have large range of illumination.

厘米克秒单位之中的照度等于反射或反射一流明每平方厘米的完全漫反射的亮度。A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface used to measure solar radiation.

光源附近的空间分辨漫反射与散射介质的高阶光学参量有关。Spatially resolved reflectance close to the source is dependent on high-order optical parameters of the media.

漫反射材质组件会造成一种不光滑的表面,而放射光组件则制造出一种发光效果。The diffuse material component creates a matte surface, while the emissive component creates a glowing effect.

最终,只要光能在介质中不被完全衰减,它就会作为漫反射透出表面。Eventually unless the light energy decays within the material it emerges from the surface as a diffuse reflection.

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采用漫反射红外光谱方法研究了19件出土古玉残片的成分。The compositions of the 19 pieces of ancient jades were investigated by diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy.

漫反射使皮肤显得白皙,产品本身则像白色素一样凝入肌肤。Diffuse Reflection will cause the skin to appear whitened and the product to appear "caked-on" as per white pigments.

接下来,我将在由一个定位光源和一些用于限制漫反射的黑色亚光板组成的装置间为iPad拍照。Next, I photographed the iPad, positioning a light source and some black matte board to limit distracting reflections.