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自负就像一匹马。Ego is like a horse.

自负并不性感。Arrogance is not sexy.

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是同自负决裂。To part with self-conceit.

不要成为你自负的奴隶。Don't be a slave to your ego.

自负的人是自己最好的朋友。Egotism is obesity of the head.

沙丘的傲慢自负。The Assumption of the Sand-dune.

你也完全放弃了自己的自负。You completely give up your ego.

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但是有另外的自负。But there's another pretentiousness.

但如果你敢小看他,那你可得风险自负。But underestimate him at your peril.

耐烦是自负心的一种展现。Pusingience is a mark of confidence.

你很卑鄙,而且很自负。You're coarse, and you're conceited.

这不就是“致命的自负”?Is this not the fatal conceit magnified?

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天阿,丽西,你真是个自负傲慢的人!By heavens, Lizzie , what a snob you are!

自负可能导致自毁。Self-conceit may lead to self destruction.

作为一个自负的人,斯坦普尔还是留在了底特律。A proud man, Stempel stayed around Detroit.

今日更为坚强的自负者们还需要象征物吗?Do today's stronger egos still need symbols?

“狂妄自大”就是过于自信或过于自负。“Hubris” is too much self-confidence or ego.

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自负总是会阻止你表达你的哀恸。Conceit will always hinder you from mourning.

他说的话都带有自负的意味。Everything he says is tinctured with conceit.

她太自私,还有点自负。She is too self-concerned and self-conceited.