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她母亲是一个勤俭的主妇。Her mother is a thrifty housewife.

她是一个有经验的主妇。She was a housewife of experience.

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主妇再三让我们吃蛋糕。The housewife plied us with cakes.

好主妇不能容忍灰尘的存在。A good housekeeper can't abide dust.

你是电话脸、主妇脸还是糖分脸?Do you have a Phone, Frow or Sugar face?

主妇用传统锅灶烧饭。Housewives cook with the traditional wok.

真正的妻子乃是一个好主妇。She is a true wife who is a good housewife.

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财富是个好仆人,也是一个坏主妇。Wealth is a good servant, a very bad mistress.

主妇嗜睡菜篮空。If the housewife sleep, the basket become empty.

金融危机让俄罗斯主妇偷着乐?The financial crisis for Russia housewife smiling?

这位主妇把乾面包捣成碎屑。The housewife pounded the dried bread into crumbs.

她那主妇的声名任凭所有的人践踏在脚下。Her matronly fame was trodden under all men's feet.

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也许仍然会有主妇迷们关注该剧。Perhaps there'll still be a few viewers left to care.

都怪我太爱计较小事了,亲爱的主人主妇。My touchiness about trifles, dear master and mistress.

听着好熟悉啊,是绝望的主妇里的台词吗?Sounds so familiar. Is that from Desperate Housewives?

1969年还有大约一半的家庭里是主妇当家,现在变成了一半的一半。That's down from nearly half of such households in 1969.

一群主妇准备对付恋童癖者。A group of women will prepare a protest against pedophiles.

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别穿这件主妇似的衣服,不适合你。Don't wear this matronly dress. It is not suitable for you.

她的家佣技能主要来自她的母亲和自己作为一名主妇。Her domestic skills come mostly from being a wife and mother.

保罗指出,年长妇女可以是年轻主妇的极好帮助。Paul mentions what a help older women can be to younger housewives.