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我们为什么要雇佣你?Why should we employ you?

改正2幕雇佣工气氛。Altered Act 2 Hireling Auras.

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您雇佣一些人完成某项工作。You hire someone to do a job.

他们变成了真正的雇佣工人。They have become true employees.

他喜欢我的理论并且雇佣了我。He liked what I said and hired me.

艾琳雇佣了一帮强健的男子。Irene hired a group of strong men.

增加了对雇佣兵的建筑类型。Added Building Types for Hirelings.

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他受到老板雇佣的警察的监督。He was policed by the bosses' cops.

该俱乐部雇佣了30多位女招待。The club employs about 30 hostesses.

那就是雇主不愿意雇佣工人。Employers don't want to hire workers.

你雇佣厨师或者做诸如此类的事情。You hire cooks and that sort of stuff.

农场主雇佣了好几个日工。The farmer hired several day labourers.

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他们是些雇佣的下手和马屁精They were hired hands and lickspittles.

他经常贴广告雇佣人手。He constantly advertised for hired hands.

作为一个网球运动员,你要自我雇佣。As a tennis player, you are self-employed.

雇佣法可以被引为一例。Employment law may be cited as an example.

服务性的劳力可以从国家雇佣。Service labor can be hired from the state.

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因雇佣关系终止而没收。Forfeitures upon Termination of Employment.

你从哪里知道汽车信息和可被雇佣的汽车信息?。How do you know car info and car hire info?

招聘、面试和雇佣新的团队成员Recruit, interview and hire new Team-members