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运气不好。No luck.

你运气真好!You lucked out!

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新年新运气!New Year's luck!

我今天运气真好。I lucked out today.

这样意味着坏运气。That means bad luck.

我今天运气不佳。My luck is out today.

我们运气真好。We really lucked out.

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该诅咒的坏运气。Blame the rotten luck.

福米和坏运气的脚。Fumi and the Bad Luck.

我只是运气最好的一个。I was just the luckiest.

我今年运气不好,所以就到这儿来‘冲喜’,请求赐福让好事来到我身边。I had bad luck this year.

你看,运气确实存在。You see, luck does exist.

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幸好运气和他们同在。But luck stayed with them.

我的运气并未就此打住。My luck didn’t stop there.

不用顾虑,试试你的运气吧。Donat worry. Try your luck.

我前一阵子运气超好。I had a streak of good luck.

总有一天,他们的运气会气数已尽。One day their luck runs out.

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一只难看的大个杂种狗试了试运气。A big ugly cur tried his luck.

他简直不敢相信自己的运气。He could not believe his luck.

不要测试你的运气,召唤师!Don't test your luck, summoner!