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他们是一路货色,同流合污。They are tarred with the same brush.

垄断和收入同流合污了。Monopoly and revenue streams all in one.

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我儿,你不要与他们同流合污,该使你的脚远离他们的道路。My son, walk not thou with them, restrain thy foot from their paths.

曼宁必须选择是与这些暴行同流合污,还是拒绝合作。Manning had to choose between being complicit in these atrocities, or not.

假如不去描画本人的将来,你就会像大海上的弃船一样同流合污。Do not picture yourself as anything, and you will drift like an abandoned ship at sea.

如果你不同流合污,去杀戮,折磨和腐败,你只能一无所有。If you're not involved with them, killing and torturing and corruption, you're not going to get good things.

而他手下阿强见他不肯同流合污,便想除掉他取而代之。But he under Arab League strong sees him not to be willing to collaborate, then wants to remove him to displace.

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并说能够借日自己的手将陆子丰杀死,宝虎子有准绳的说绝不和日自己同流合污。And said to borrow, his hand will be Liu Zifeng killed, treasure nothing colluding with the criterion of said never, and day.

如果你愿意出卖灵魂,跟中国的贪官同流合污,那你最好卖一个好价钱,晚年的时候致力于慈善事业。If you decide to sell your soul and succumb to China's corruption, get a good price and focus on charity work in your old age.

但是假如你感到,你似乎在和可怕的暴君和他的同伙同流合污,那么就等一等,到明年选举揭晓再说吧。But if you feel squeamish about appearing to treat ghastly tyrants and their grim cohorts as normal, hold fire, as it were, until

这句成语的意思,是指两人同流合污做坏事,使其奸计达到目的,正像狼和狈二种动物常合作使奸一样。What this shows us is that two people following each other's bad example can collaborate in their cunning and achieve their aims.

托尼认为,表面上看来,这种不愿意与那些不正常的罪犯们同流合污在一起的态度很容易被人理解。On the outside, Tony said, not wanting to spend time with your criminally insane neighbours would be a perfectly understandable position.

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他们后来却先后背叛革命,在政治上相互提携,在理论上同流合污。But they all betrayed revolution early or late. They gave guidance and help to each other in politics, wallowed in the mire int erms of theory.

她说,让伊朗官员参加这些活动就相当于与渴望自由生活的伊朗人民的压迫者同流合污。Iranian attendance at the events, Ros-Lehtinen said, could be equated to fraternizing with the oppressors of people in Iran who yearn to live free.

但是美国国父却绝对没有想到他的这些资深成员现在却想侵吞掉银器,和茶壶同流合污了.But the father of the nation never imagined that the inhabitants of his cooling chamber might try to pocket the silverware and run off with the teapot.

他与法律学院的友人一起,曾经组建过一个保守派政党,但在该党与传统腐败势力同流合污之后,他就退出了。With friends from law school, he had once started a conservative political party, but he had quit after it joined forces with traditional corrupt hands.

他们后来却先后背叛革命,在政治上相互提携,在理论上同流合污。But they both betrayed revolution one after another, gave guidance and help with each other in terms of politics, wallowed in the mire in terms of theory.

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在战后的西德,施米特代表的是“失节的知识分子”,他们在魏玛时期属于政治右翼,在1933年以后与纳粹合作或同流合污。In West Germany Schmitt represented those compromised intellectuals who had been on the political right in Weimar and had collaborated with the Nazis after 1933.

如果有人要我设法摆脱这些邪恶行为带来的危险,我宁愿过简朴生活也不愿与其他人同流合污。If asked to find the way out of the danger these depraved practices have created, I would rather live a simple life than go along with any others in their evil deeds.

而他和西宾斯老太太的不期而遇,假如认真只是偶合的话,也确实表明他已同恶毒的人们及堕落的灵魂的世界同流合污了。And his encounter with old Mistress Hibbins, if it were a real incident, did but show his sympathy and fellowship with wicked mortals, and the world of perverted spirits.