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这条路已接近完工。The road is near completion.

这座大楼差不多快完工了。The building is nearing completion.

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婴儿房快完工了。The baby room will be finished soon.

水库不久就能完工。The reservoir will soon be completed.

达兰机场在1961年完工。Dhahran airport was completed in 1961.

达濠,纳粹第一个集中营,完工。Dachau, 1st concentration camp, completed.

新客站已经完工。The new railway station has been completed.

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如果我们不按时完工的话,他会闹翻天的。He'll raise hell if we don't finish on time.

这座楼提前完工了。The building is completed ahead of schedule.

阿斯旺的高坝是于1970年完工的。The high Dam at Aswan was completed in 1970.

该工程必须延长十周才能完工。The project should be spread over ten weeks.

它是在14年后的1420年完工的。And, it was completed 14 years later in 1420.

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木皮完工质量远低于丹拿的标准。Sound quality far below Dynaudio standard, 2.

建筑队正在加紧完工。The construction crew's just finishing it up.

这项工程于1966年顺利完工。The project was successfully completed in 1966.

大厦在1870年最终完工。The rebuilding was completely finished by 1870.

基辅规模最大的未完工的建筑之一。One of the biggest unfinished buildings in Kiev.

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印度将有更多的核电机组邻近完工。Further reactors are nearing completion in India.

但正当我们要完工的时候,事情就发生了,but just as we're finishing is when that happened,

为什么一橦建筑物明明完工了,却还要称之为“建设中”呢?Why is it called building when it is already built?