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这个声谱约有十个八度的跨度。This sound spectrum spans about ten octaves.

“声谱图”一词是从光学借来的。The term "spectrogram" is borrowed from optics.

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它也显示了一个声谱分析器和波形表。It also shows a spectrum analyzer and wave form.

结果产生了一个类似乐器、带有泛音的声谱。The result was a sound spectrum with overtones much like a musical instrument's.

通过声谱图对比发现,科希克发出的声音频率与饲养员金中干的非常相似。Spectrograms show Kosik's voice frequency when he makes human sounds is similar to his keeper's.

还可以问一问医生,没有辐射的声谱图或磁共振成像能否同样解决问题。Ask the doctor whether a sonogram or an MRI, which do not use radiation, could do the trick just as well.

对鲸类来说,声音还可以转化成很多声谱图无法展现的形式,”菲舍尔说。For cetaceans, the sound can be doing lots of other things that are not visible on a spectrogram, " says Fischer.

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本文介绍了两种对超声多普勒血流声谱国进行波形自动分类决策的方法。Two methods for automatic classification and decision of Doppler waveforms for flow sonography analysis system are described.

探讨脐带血流声谱图和血流动力学指标的监护技术及其在胎儿监护中的意义。A new pattern of fetal monitoring system is developed to monitor color compiling sound spectrum of umbilical cord bloodstream.

然后他们对这些音频进行了电脑计算,数据分析,并拟出了声谱图。Then they ran those sound bites through various computer algorithms, running statistical analyses and drawing up spectrograms.

实验结果表明,光声谱术可对粉末样品作出快速的定量分析。The experimental results shown that the quantitative analysis of the powder sample can be quickly made by photoacoustic spectroscopy.

近年来录音及声谱分析技术的发展使得鸟声研究已渗透到鸟类的各个研究领域。With the development of modern recording and sonagraph technology, studies on bird song have stepped into various areas of bird researches.

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传统的圣诗谱大都是四部和声谱。此种谱不容易读,也不十分适合钢琴弹奏法。Hymn arrangements in hymn books are usually arranged in four part harmony which are not easy to play and do not sound very idiomatic on the piano.

本文对人体全血和血液中的各个成分以及某些病人的血液进行了光声谱的测量。Opticoacoustic Spectral measurements have been made of normag human whole blood and its separated components as well as of those from some patients.

就像你在这张小须鲸“啵嘤”声的线性声谱中看到的那样,细节信息被模糊掉了,独立的脉冲也很难分辨出来。As you can see from this linear spectrogram of a minke whale's "boing" call, the detail gets smeared out and individual pulses cannot be distinguished.

二人使用一种被称为氡变形的单处理技术创造出多种音频片段组成的声谱图,每种只有半秒长。The pair used a signal-processing technique called the Radon transform to create spectrograms of a variety of audio clips, each just half a second long.

根据关节音的声谱图特征,从关节音振动能量、频率、振幅、发生时间等方面对关节音进行鉴别,可能有助于判断颞下颌关节的功能状况。Therefore, we can identify the joint sounds according to the energy, frequency, amplitude and occurring time of the vibration on the joint sound sonogram.

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威尔金森微波各向异性小组运用计算机程序去发现产生声谱的微波大小的比例,正象棱镜转换波长到颜色。The WMAP team used computer programs to find the proportion of wave sizes generating the sound spectrum, just as a prism converts light wavelengths to color.

声谱分析表明,成体雄鸟与亚成体雄鸟的鸣声结构非常相似,而且两者在巢址、巢材、窝卵数、卵色、卵大小等巢卵特征上也非常一致。Adult and sub-adult males have similar song structures and same nest and egg characteristics of nest site, nest materials, clutch size, egg color and egg size.

初步临床应用结果表明,该方法具有比传统的声谱参数准确性高的优点。The analysis results of several cases show that the method using these parameters are better than the conventional one such as spectrogram parameters on veracity.