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房价已经开始动荡Home prices have become unstable.

上周市场剧烈动荡。Markets wildly gyrated last week.

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波兰政局再次发生动荡。Poland's government wobbled again.

缺乏自由则会产生社会动荡。And in its absence, unrest festers.

世界在动荡中前进。The world advances amidst turbulence.

动荡轴心有很多的成员国。The axis of upheaval has many members.

但是现在,市场正在动荡。Yet today, these markets are unraveling.

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伊朗是这块动荡区域的槓杆支点。Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region.

1820年,那时的英国正直动荡艰苦时期。In 1820, a harsh time of change in England.

这也是1949年发生社会动荡的原因。There was a reason for the upheaval of 1949.

这次动荡搅浑了世界市场。The shift is roiling markets around the world.

中国龙将会被指责引起动荡。Dragon China is to be blamed for all turbulence.

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首先,需要等待全球金融动荡平息。First, global financial turmoil needs to subside.

我动荡的灵魂在你的瞥见下变得沉默。And my unquiet mind, made speechless by Thy sight.

中东地区进一步的动荡也将导致“限制”。Further Mideast unrest could also lead to tightening.

自那以后,几次动荡已破坏了西欧世界。Since then, several shocks have disrupted that world.

我看见动荡的鬼魂和他们低声的耳语。I see unquiet ghosts and speak their whispered tongue.

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海又动荡,波浪跳起来,轰!轰!The sea roils again, waves surging high, crash! Crash!

所有这些变迁和动荡带来了巨大的焦虑。All of this flux and churning creates enormous anxiety.

正如我所说的,这是一个各种动荡集中爆发的一年。As I said, this has been a year of concentrated turmoil.