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最后她认同了雄蛛的求偶仪式,接受了他的聘礼。Finally she acknowledges his attentions and accepts his advances.

一年后,三弟回家,帮邻家的女孩退了聘礼,解除了婚约。A year later, home, the girl next door back to help the bride price, the lifting of the marriage.

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若女子的父亲决不肯将女子给他,他就要按处女的聘礼,交出钱来。If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins.

他还给了现金的聘礼,他岳母用来为他们买了地毡和毛毯。He also provided a cash dowry, which his mother-in-law used to make rugs and blankets for the couple.

中国大多数地区都保留有新郎给女方家里送聘礼的习俗。Most parts of China hold the tradition of the bridegroom giving betrothal gifts to the bride's family.

高额的聘礼常常“抢劫”了新郎父母毕生的积蓄,甚至会引起家庭纠纷。The high endowment amounts often rob grooms' parents of their life's savings and causes family disputes.

有时交换率牵涉到实际的钱或财产,表现为嫁妆或聘礼,她补充道。Exchange rates sometimes involved real money or property, in the form of dowries or bride prices, she noted.

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除了聘礼之外,超过一半女性认为男性应该买房、买车、并自己支付装修费用。Besidess betrothal gifts, more than half of women think men should buy a house, car and pay for house decorations on their own.

订婚仪式过后,媒人会向男方家庭要几个黄道吉日同时也会择日给予聘礼。Several days after the presentation of the betrothal gifts, the girl's family sent porters with an inventoried dowry to the boy's house.

订婚时男方向女方给付聘礼是一种具有久远历史的订婚习惯,这种习惯直至现代中国仍然普遍存在。It is a traditional custom of a man giving betrothal gift to a woman when they get engaged, which still exists in modern Chinese society.

近日,伊朗一家法院判处一名男子为其妻子购买12万4千朵玫瑰,因为他的妻子向法院提起诉讼,要求她的吝啬老公拿出结婚聘礼。An Iranian court has ordered a man to buy his wife 124, 000 roses after she filed a complaint against her "stingy" husband to claim her dowry.

而竞争似乎还引发了彩礼和聘礼金额的大幅攀升,甚至在天津这样的大城市也出现了礼金价码升高的情况。It also appears to have caused a sharp spike in bride prices and betrothal gifts. The higher prices are even found in big cities such as Tianjin.

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谢天赐忍者内心的痛苦,带着聘礼来到上海,他要替自己的父亲向自己昔日曾经热恋的同学韩疏影提亲。Tse ninja inner pain, with the dowry came to Shanghai, he wants for his father to his former classmates once madly in love Korea thin films hand.

聘礼性质属于婚约合同定金,具有保证婚约履行、避免随意违约的作用。Betrothal gift can guarantee the wedding contract be fulfilled and avoid the man who gives the betrothal gift breaking his promise inconsiderately.

皇帝此前已接到可汗的聘礼,包括驼毛织就的软毡、织锦、貂皮、玉带、驼五十头,马驹千匹。The emperor had already received soft cloth made of camel hair, brocades, sable furs, jade girdles, fifty camels and one thousand ponies as her bride price.

扫罗说,你们要对大卫这样说,王不要什么聘礼,只要一百非利士人的阳皮,好在王的仇敌身上报仇。And Saul said, Thus shall ye say to David, The king desireth not any dowry, but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the king's enemies.

尽管婚姻是两个家庭之间的事而不仅仅关于两个相爱的人,但是我不同意新郎必须要付超额的聘礼给新娘家才能结婚。Though the marriage is about two families but only two people in love, but I can't agree that the groom have to paid overload to the bride's family to get marry.

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飞山豹一直想要迎娶铜锣寨的三当家香雪海,趁机提出要手下去送聘礼。Flying Leopard mountain has always wanted to marry Causeway village three take charge of Xiang Xuehai, took the opportunity to put forward to hand down to send gifts.

本文以作者在宁夏南部一个回族聚居村单家集所开展的调查为基础,对乡村回族婚姻中的聘礼和通婚圈进行了初步分析。On the basis of fieldwork in Shanjiaji, a Hui village in southern Ningxia Autonomous Region, this paper analyzes the bride price and marriage circle of the rural Huis.

梅姥爷让王小红看了她的聘礼单子问她喜不喜欢,王小红说这些东西自己都不在乎,但是梅姥爷执意要让王小红看一看。Mei grandpa let WangXiaoGong looked at her dowry list asked her if she liked, WangXiaoGong said these things dont care, but may grandpa determined to want to let WangXiaoGong look.