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汤姆没把法官的警告当耳旁风。Tom heeded the judge's warning.

汤姆没把法官的警告当耳旁风。Linda heeded the judge's warning.

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我所说的全被当做耳旁风了。What I say goes in one ear and out the other.

但是他们在质量方面的呼吁在美国却被当作耳旁风。But their quality call mainly fell on deaf ears in the U.

如果她知道你把她的忠告当成耳旁风,她会很伤心的。She would feel heartbroken if she knew that her advice to you had fallen on deaf ears.

你把金玉良言当作耳旁风,总有一天会后悔的。You regard the beneficial words as a puff of wind, and will regret it sooner or later.

老师再三告诫孩子们不要把门关的砰砰响,但老师的话对他们来说如同耳旁风。The teacher kept telling the kids not to bang doors but it was like water off a duck's back.

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你被解雇了。我已经警告你多次不要再迟到了,可你却当耳旁风。You're fired. I've warned you several times not to be late, but you turned a deaf ear to it.

年轻而又大胆的热破勇敢地冲向危险,把警告和命令当作耳旁风。Young and bold, RODIMUS races headlong into danger, throwing caution and his orders to the wind.

老师一再告诫学生们更努力地学习,可她的话被当成了耳旁风。The teacher keeps telling the pupils to work harder but her words go in one ear and out the other.

雇员们的加薪要求被当成了耳旁风,到头来一个子儿也没增加。The employees' request for an increase in wage fell on deaf ears, and they received no increase at all.

老师看到以后经常跟我耐心谈话,说了一大堆道理,我却全部当了耳旁风。Teachers often told me to see the patient after the talk saying that a lot of reason all I have been heeded.

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明宽陶醉在有人送给她的钻表当中,把明达善意的提醒当耳旁风。Ming wide revel in someone gave her the drill table, informed friendly reminder when the fallen on deaf ears.

医生告诉大家吸烟有害健康,但是这些忠告对烟民如耳旁风一样根本不起作用。The doctors tell us it' s dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off of some people like water off of a duck's back.

我本可以给后辈儿孙很好的教导,但我知道他们仍旧还是要各行其是,他们祖父的一切训诲就等于耳旁风。I could give good counsel to my own descendants, but I know they will follow their own way , for all their grandfather's sermon.

如果你的那位团队负责人也是同样的情况,雷诺兹表示,你的反馈被当作耳旁风也就不足为奇。If that's how this person got his current job, Reynolds says it's no wonder your feedback is going in one ear and out the other.

你要是呼吁人们彼此以兄弟姐妹相待,人们会嘲笑你,把你的话当耳旁风。Anyone who calls upon the capacity of people to practice brotherly and sisterly love is more likely to be ridiculed than to be taken seriously.

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你是我仰望的对象,不可能把你的话当做耳旁风,只是强烈的不安全感让我抓狂。You're the one I look up, not likely to take your words as sth not that important, it's just the strong sense of insecurity makes me monstrous.

当你在还未成年时想“真棒,我下辈子就干这个了”的时候,大家把它当耳旁风,哪怕你20出头了,大家还是会这么想。What you thought of “Cool! I’ll be happy doing it my entire life” when you were a teenager might seem like nonsense when you are even in your 20s.

他们想尽其所能帮助孩子,耳提面命地告诉孩子应该做什么,而他们的孩子却把此当作耳旁风。Parents , who are always trying their best to help their children, have told them many times what they should do, but their children turn a deaf ear to it.