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政府需要出面。The governments need to step up.

事实上,持怀疑观点的人已经出面放话了。The doubters, in fact, have already come forward.

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在那个时候,海格尔出面年长的比她好。At the time, Heigl already looked older than she was.

总是节外生枝,总是有人出面干涉。Always there is something. Always someone will interfere.

现在是美国出面让双方达成协议的最佳时机。The United States is now best placed to secure an accord.

由某个政党或由多党出面来领导一个社会。By a party or by the multi-party appear to lead a society.

裁判正打算宣布终止比赛,男孩的师傅出面了。He was about to stop the match when the sensei intervened.

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你不必再去请求政府,出面做什么事情。You don't have to petition the government to do something.

如果国家是爱人民的,它应该为他们出面。If our country loves its people, it should stand up for them.

但是布什夫人把缅甸人民的事情当成了自己的事情,而由她出面代表美国政府对纳尔吉斯热带风暴做出反应看来相当得体。But Mrs. Bush has made the cause of the Burmese people her own.

可能还来得及由他出面说一下情?Perhaps there was still time to intervene in behalf of that man.

清水是她的保镖,一旦出现问题,便由他出面解决。Shimizu is her bodyguard and will move in if there are problems.

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RIM并未出面彻底否定其提供过此类接入。RIM does not appear to have denied outright providing such access.

王建煊也出面和灾民交换意见。Wang also appeared to exchange opinions with the disaster victims.

后来,中国政府出面干预并禁止了现场屠杀。Then the Chinese government intervened and banned on-site butchery.

大多数的海盗对此付之一笑,非要国家出面制止不可。Most pirates just laughed and dared the countries to come stop them.

她希望一校之长的胡博士能出面制止。She hoped that the length of one school can come forward to stop Dr.

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一个更有前景的措施是政府出面提供贷款信用保证。More promising may be mooted government support for credit insurance.

我曾非常接近里昂,但是克林斯曼出面邀请,我还能想些什么?I was very close to Lyon but when Klinsmann called me I had no doubts.

丛前男友姜大伟出面,表示自己愿意接纳丛。Cong ex-boyfriend Jiang Dawei, said he is willing to accept the plexus.