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来此时空穿梭旅行吧!Take a trip through time.

时空穿梭机在哪?Where is the time machine?

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你你你…你穿越时空了!Y-you traveled though time!

醒时空对烛花红。Space-time bonus of up candle.

时空间的那个恒量,可以是个人么?。This constant, can it be a person?

我穿过时空旅行。Traveled I through the space-time.

西安,中华时空之门。Xian, China Light and space-time door.

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那就是啦,我们要去偷时空穿梭机。Yeah, we need to steal a time machine.

是一条时空虫?Is there a single space-time worm here?

怀念永远的陈琳,她的歌声将穿越时空、化作永恒!May Ms. Chen Lin and her songs be immortal!

自然光总是随时空变化着。Daylight is always changing with space-time.

文化现代性的时空维度。The time-space dimension of cultural modernity.

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即使隔着倒错的时空。Even when seperated by a time and space, reversed.

他说,“同样的道理,地球也会拖曳时空一起旋转。”In the same way, the Earth drags spacetime with it.

但时空旅行究竟能否在现实生活中真正实现?But could time travel ever be possible in real life?

法界是不受时空所限的。Dharmadhatu is neither limited by space nor by time.

她能否会在某个时空丢失了本人的恋爱?Whether she will at some space-time lost their love?

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你们是已经穿越时空的一族。Youare the ones who have come across time and space.

另外我们手边还有时空穿梭机。We have time machines handy everywhere in this house.

是否生死构造的輪转就只有兩种时空性?Does the of Life-Death structure have only two status?