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农夫种稻子。Farmers grow rice.

那个农夫加轭于牛。The farmer yoked the oxen.

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农夫的好伙伴儿。A good companion of Nung-fu.

在农夫敲打我的头之前。Fore the farmer bops my head.

他被农夫们关进了马厩。He was stabled by the farmers.

农夫穿了南瓜色衣服。Nung-fu wore in pumpkin color.

在农夫敲打我的头之前。Before the farmer bops my head.

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农夫给马套上挽具。The farmer harnessed the horse.

小兰的丈夫是个农夫。Xiao Lan's husband is a farmer.

农夫终于开门了。Finally Nung-fu opened the gate.

农夫科努特开始学习了。Knute the farmer began to learn.

农夫将他的花园用篱笆围起。The farmer fenced in his garden.

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农夫的妻子被毒蛇咬了一口,发起了高热。The snake bit the farmer’s wife.

没过多久,一个农夫叫醒了他。Before long af armer woke him up.

波顿利是名当地农夫。Peter Bottomly is a local farmer.

那农夫正在给他的羊剪毛。The farmer is shearing his sheep.

农夫们正在求雨。The farmers are praying for rain.

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农夫和我去了一个养鱼场。Nung-fu and I visited a fish farm.

公牛用角把农夫抵死了。The bull gored the farmer to death.

那农夫还未挤完奶。The farmer hasn't finished milking.