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他们祖孙俩来到这里。The grandfather and grandson came here.

祖孙俩过着凄惨的生活。The grandfather and his grandson led a miserable life.

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对祖孙关系进行研究显得尤为重要。So it seems very important to do research on grandparenthood.

你的儿子是阿齐博得.威基蒂船长的曾祖孙对吗?Your son’s great-grand son of Captain Archibald Wikity, is he not?

我相信,任何祖孙间都曾留下催人泪下的故事。I believe that any grandparents and children have touching stories.

现今周氏祖孙住宅所在街道被命名为“管星街”。Nowadays the streets where Family Zhou lived are called "Guanxing Street".

我最不想看到的就是他们祖孙俩因为我的几句话再次分开。And the last thing I'd want to do is, say something that might keep them apart.

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我后来就在这空格里画上祖孙三代,代表两代的母亲。In that corner, I drew a three generations family, presenting two generations of mothers.

现在那群雁在祖孙俩往地上撒玉米和燕麦时,几乎没有挪动。Now the geese hardly shuffle as grandmother and granddaughter scatter corn and oats on the ground.

我们一起度过的时光无比珍贵——一起穿针引线、聊天、感受祖孙之间的深情。Our time spent together is precious—time to thread a needle, talk, and feel the love between generations.

报道说,辛普森祖孙三代将于2006年2月在英国哈罗盖特剧院联合举行画展。The three generations of Simpsons have a joint exhibition of their work in February at Harrogate Theatre.

隔个布帘就是祖孙三代住的地方,小孙女已经会叫“妈妈”了。Separate pieces of cloth curtain that three generations live in , little granddaughter can call "mother" already.

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独居空巢老人生活质量明显低于夫妻同住空巢老人和祖孙同住空巢老人。Conclusions①The quality of life of the empty nest elderly in Yueyang area was lower than the non-empty nest elderly.

老汉精心照料着宝葫芦们,与他们建立了胜似祖孙的感情。Old man intensive care valuable bottle gourds, established with them has surpassed grandparent and grandchild's sentiment.

而她姐姐凡妮莎也是个演员,这说明在祖孙之间确实存在着电影方面的某种遗传关联。The fact that her sister Vanessa also became an actress suggests a genetic link of cinema between grandfather and grandchildren.

二战前,日本的家庭形态主要是以祖孙三代同堂为基本形式的诸位族制度。Before world war ii, the Japanese family shape is mainly by three generations of the basic form of alternative for family system.

“而且如果我们分别行动,”尼可拉说,“他们的搜寻目标就要变了,不再是父母和两个儿子,而是三口之家和一对祖孙。”"And if we're divided, " said Nikolai, "it changes the profile of what they're looking for. Not a mother and father and two boys.

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博彩公司计算过这种一家祖孙三代在同一天出生的比率是1/272910。Bookmakers have worked out the odds of three generations of the same family all having boys born on the same day as 272, 910 to one.

构图和用光突出儿童的天真无邪,祖孙和谐的天伦之乐!The framing and light emphasis the innocence of the children, and the harmonious and happy relationship between the two generations.

由于她们和剧中人物相似的命运,这对从来未上过镜头的祖孙,给我们真实自然、让人叹服地演绎了一个舐犊情深的亲情故事。Because of their similarity in fate as the people in the story, this grandma and granddaughter give us a real, natural and touching story.