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事实上,天晓得?Actually, who knows?

各位可找来看看,天晓得它在谈什么?Check it out. Who knows?

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可能会,可能不会,天晓得。Maybe, maybe not, who knows.

天晓得,我是举目无亲啊!I am friendless enough, God knows!

天晓得他在监狱里都经受了什么。God knew what he went through in prison.

天晓得,也许他们是对的,但亚里士多德必会加以否定。Who knows maybe they're right but Aristotle would deny it.

而且天晓得日后会有什么后果。and in the long run, who knows how it's going to affect you.

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现在就到moozoo.org上去漫步月球吧,天晓得你会找到哪些奇怪的物品。Who knows what strange object you might find. That's at

天晓得,他也许能为这位坏脾气的主厨创作出一种新的韵律供其演唱。Who knows, maybe he'll cook up a new number for the cantankerous chef to sing.

不过购物冲动就这么养成了,天晓得那些香奈儿鞋多少钱咧。But that can lead to impulse buying. Who knew how much those Chanel shoes were?

基弗决非众人争求的东西,天晓得,我都不会特别喜欢他的,可是——这也是很难说清楚的。God knows, and I hadn't particularly liked him, but--- It was hard to sort out.

难道是刮来一阵风把纸条刮到只有天晓得的地方去了?Had a gust of wind come and taken the note and carried it away to God knows where?

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但如果有一天,天晓得,以色列倒下了,那对西方来说并不会带来任何安慰。But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West.

天晓得等她毕业时,牛津神学学位有什么价值。Heaven only knows what a mere Oxford theology degree will be worth by the time she graduates.

大风从湖上呼呼地刮进城里,天晓得他们有没有听说过纽伯格龙虾。The wind comes howling in off the lake and gosh only knows if they've ever heard of Lobster Newburg.

你们有些人的语言功能位于右脑,有些则位于左脑,还有些,天晓得在哪里Some of you have language in your right hemisphere, some in your left hemisphere, some God knows where.

天晓得,它发布的产品常常不能涵盖普通消费者想要的所有功能。Heaven knows, it often ships products that don't include all the features an average consumer might want.

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没有仔细统计过,不过这节课大家的精神好象特别旺盛!天晓得这时是教室还是菜场!Not carefully counted, but this lesson the spirit seems especially strong! Who knows when the classroom or farms!

看,非常简单吧,天晓得为啥我们关心x和y的值,在这里我们只是断章取义罢了。So, fairly simple idea, who knows why we actually care what the values of X or Y are at least in this out of context.

印度系统不存在这个漏洞,印度并不存在可全额退款的机票,否则天晓得会有多少人这样做。This system is not in India. In India, there is no fully refundable tickets. Or else who knows how many would have done this.