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他们敲打窗户,欢声笑语。They tap at the window, and laugh.

到处欢声笑语,充满了节日气氛。Everywhere, filled with laughter festal atmosphere.

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欢声笑语中。又是糜烂的一天。In the restored Cheonggyecheon. Erosion is the day.

欢声笑语满山村。The mountain village rang with cheers and laughter.

带来欢声笑语,驱走悲愁忧伤。Bringing happiness to me and taking the sadness away.

可多陪陪家人,洒下欢声笑语。But spending more time with family, sprinkle with laughter.

我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却充满了令人震耳欲聋的沉寂。Our home, once full of laughers, now deafens us with its silence.

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美国比其他任何地方都有更多的欢声笑语。There is more laughter and more song in America than anywhereelse.

聚会进行时,你能听到屋里传出来的欢声笑语。As the party went on,you could hear the mirth coming from the house.

是的,圣诞节是欢声笑语和歌声嘹亮的节日,是收到美好而奇妙的礼物的节日。Yes, Christmas is for gaiety and song, for good and wonderful gifts.

我们生活中的一些时刻很精彩,充满了欢声笑语。Some moments in our lives are wonderful, filled with joy and laughter.

随着你们年龄增长,为你和好友的生活留下一些欢声笑语吧。Give yourself and your friend something to laugh about as you grow older.

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这些日子以来,我们的生活多了欢声笑语,少了低声啜泣,”佩纳太太说。“We talk, welaugh and we smile more than we cry these days, ” Mrs. Pena said.

伴随着祥和的气氛,晚会自始至终欢声笑语,掌声雷动。With a cheerful atmosphere, laughter and applause permeate from start to finish.

小城上空萦绕着毕业生们庆祝毕业的欢声笑语,四处都是毕业生们舞蹈狂欢的景象。All over town, graduates were dancing and toasting the end of their student days.

然钟声忽止于急雨兮,但闻撒旦之欢声笑语。The bell died in thepatter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain.

这一天,全国上下男女老少品尝煎饼、畅饮伏尔加,到处洋溢着欢声笑语。On this day people all over the country eat pancakes, drink vodka and have lots of fun.

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友谊是可以依靠的肩膀,是良师,是无法言语的慰藉,它可以带来美好的时刻以及欢声笑语,它可以提高自尊心,提供伙伴,甚至有利于身心健康。The good times and shared laughter. Friendships offer all these benefits, and lots more.

热热闹闹的踢毽子比赛在一片欢声笑语中结束了。Hot noisy make of kick a shuttlecock game in the one the joys the voice the joke be over.

婚后,约翰和简有了一个四口之家,和其他家庭一样,他们也一起经历了幸福时光,欢声笑语,也遇到过伤心不幸,潸然落泪。Johnny and Jane raised a family of four, with the usual ups and downs, laughter and tears.