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理查森又一次出手相助,但丽蒂茜娅很快又山穷水尽。Richardson helped again, but Pilkington was exhausted.

大部分人都认为中国动漫业山穷水尽了。Most people thought Chinese cartoons had come to the end.

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格林先生失业好几个月了,现在已过得山穷水尽。Mr Green has been out of work for several months and is on his uppers.

我真的对我的工作感到灰心,我想我山穷水尽了。I'm feeling really depressed about my work. I think I'm at the end of my rope.

我知道你不到山穷水尽是不会来求我,我在这儿等着你求我。I know you've only come to me because you're helpless. I've been waiting for this.

这是林登一直不愿做的事,可现在情况已经到了山穷水尽的地步。This was what Linden had hitherto shrunk from doing, but the situation was desperate.

在这山穷水尽的时候,一位做房地产中介的朋友让他来到自己的公司。In this argument when a real estate intermediary so he went to his friend for company.

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最后组织还是走到了山穷水尽的地步,将其幸存的骨干力量撤离本国。Eventually the group had no choice but to take its surviving cadres out of the country.

至今,小钱德勒还记得加拉赫在山穷水尽时说过的一次话。Little Chandler remembered one of Ignatius Gallaher's sayings when he was in a tight corner.

这个成语来自上面这则故事,意思是一个人在山穷水尽时是很困难的。This idiom comes from the above story. It means being in a very difficult situation at the end of one's tether.

他的客户现在已经山穷水尽,由于无法从他们身上收到账款,杨说,他的工厂已经停发了两个月的薪水了。Unable to collect from customers who themselves have no money, Yang said he stopped paying salaries two months ago.

请注意亚龙对阿拉法特和黎巴嫩真主党领袖哈桑冷冰冰的警告。“他们已即将山穷水尽。”Note Ya'alon's icy warning to Yasser Arafat and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that "their turn is drawing near."

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大家应该了解的另一件事是,在我们有限的投资者面前,我们再次显得山穷水尽了。The second thing you need to understand is that we have been caught flatfooted again in front of our limited investors.

曾经,在我们山穷水尽的时候,那份情谊给了我强大的力量,而如今在病魔的面前,你却弱不禁风。Once, when we at the time, that a friendship gave me great power, and now the disease in front of you yet you is fragile.

这些书给出可怕的故事,说一些小孩就是因为早期没得到帮助,从而导致他们将来山穷水尽或命途多舛。They offer up scary stories about kids who have failed in life orsuffered terribly because they didn’t get help early enough.

因为包容和信任,我们才成为彼此最温暖的怀抱,即使在山穷水尽的时刻,也相信柳暗花明。Because of inclusion and trust, we become the warmest embrace each other, even in the dead end of time, and believe a way out.

追溯到上个世纪七十年代,面对燃油短缺和燃油禁运,很多美国人担心全世界的石油已经到了山穷水尽的地步。Back in the 1970s, facing shortages at the pump and oil embargos, a lot of Amercians worried about the world running out of oil.

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就在山穷水尽的时候,忽见眼前水光一闪,从水中钻出一只大乌龟来,龟壳足有一间屋子大小。Just failed, saw the immediate flash Shui-Guang, drilled from a large turtle in the water, there are enough shells the size of a house.

公司的资金已消耗贻尽,各家银行又拒绝再向我们贷款,所以我们已经到了山穷水尽的地步。Since the company's financial resources are depleted and the banks refuse to lend us any more money, we've come to the end of our tether.

蒋介石试图用蛊惑人心的政治手法解决经济问题,这反而使大家都看出,他已经到了山穷水尽的地步。In trying to solve economic problems by political demagoguery, Chiang Kai-shek had revealed the desperateness of his position to everyone.