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这个左撇子需要特制的手套。The southpaw needed a special glove.

关于特制标枪很无力的观点我同意。I agree with you on the pilum thingy.

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他总是用一种特制的药漱口。He also gargles with a special medicine.

用特制的坐药是可以治好的。It can be cured with proper suppositories.

您想尝尝我们特制的鸡尾酒吗?Would you like to try our special cocktail?

用特制刀切成想要的形状。Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters.

翠园供应特制的中国菜。Jade Garden serves many Chinese specialties.

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奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane.

特制急速放泄阀门,开模下降。Special rapid release vent valve, mold down.

我们有特制的牛排、鸡肉和鱼。We have special beefsteak, chicken and fish.

所有的门都不用门钮而用一种特制的门闩。The door had special latches instead of knobs.

蒸过后加上本店特制的调味料。It's steamed and served with our special sauce.

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大鱼就用特制的鱼钩钩住。The bigger ones get hooked with a special gaff.

是克劳斯为我特制的青铜铸像。Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me!

那准是为吉姆特制的,没有别人。It surely had been made for Jim and no one else.

我们还需要特制的防护服。We also need specially made protective clothing.

人们买了香肠夹在一种特制的小面包里。People got the sausages on buns, a special bread.

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“亲爱的,这时我特制的礼服。”她低声细语道。"Honey, this is my special dress, " she whispered.

吃天妇罗时要蘸着一种特制的油,这种油的主要成分是酱油。Tempura is eaten with a special soy sauce-based dip.

特制情人节精美礼物,精点坊有售。Valentine's Day gifts available for sale at Praline.