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苏带着疲倦,遵命拉起窗帘。Wearily Sue obeyed.

遵命。可是我警告过你了哦。As you please. But I warned you.

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“遵命,长官。”亚当斯说完便收了线。"Roger, sir, " Adams said, and signed off.

反止,我的主子老爷,我一定遵命就是。Anyway, lord and master, I'll do as you say.

执达吏接了那张纸,瞟了一眼,便遵命照办了。The usher took the paper, cast a glance upon it, and obeyed.

赫密斯立刻遵命,从天上飞到地面上。Hermes immediately obeyed and glided down from the heavens to the earth.

我正要遵命,可他忽然捉住我,用最古怪的腔调说I was going to obey, but he suddenly arrested me, and added in the strangest tone

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一些当时遵命执行封锁的军人已开始痛悔当时的参与。Some of those charged with enforcing the blockade have come to regret their participation.

杰西卡遵命别好领带夹,顺手摸了摸她那可爱的头发,又看了一下宝石镶面的小表。Jessica obeyed, incidentally touching at her lovely hair and looking at a little jewel-faced watch.

也许是最后一次把维护神圣的自由之火和共和制政府的命运,系于美国人所遵命进行的实验上。perhaps,as deeply,as finally,staked on the experiment entrusted on the hands of the American people.

遵命,我的上帝,我会照您的话做,一直跟随您,直到您把我带进天堂。Yes, Lord. Iwill do that, for I am your servant and I will follow you all of my days, untilyou take me up to heaven.

此时马车已遵命准备好了,伯爵轻轻地跨进车厢里,车子便立刻疾驰而去。The carriage was prepared according to orders, and stepping lightly into it, the count drove off at his usual rapid pace.

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一天我收到父亲的紧急电报,没有任何解释就是让我赶紧回家,我自然遵命。One day I received a telegram from my father of such urgency that in compliance with its unexplained demand I left at once for home.

蒋只是在完全停止空投徐州守军赖以活命的物资供应后,才得以迫使他们遵命突围。Only by cutting off all the air-borne supplies on which the troops in Suchow depended was Chiang able to get them to obey his orders.

于是我遵命说预言,气息就进入骸骨,骸骨便活了,并且站起来,成为极大的军队。So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.

赫斯渥遵命而行。到了拐角处,他看出这样做是明智的。这个人一发觉他们不打算理他,就挥了挥拳头。Hurstwood obeyed. At the corner he saw the wisdom of it. No sooner did the man perceive the intention to ignore him, than he shook his fist.