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跟凯文采蘑菇时我就是这一切。I am these when I am taking mushrooms with Kevin.

文采飞扬的美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻编辑室的一半员工被裁掉的一天。Literarily half of the CBS newsroom got laid off one day.

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口才好、文采好是最没有竞争力的。Eloquence is good, stylish writing is the least competitive.

贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采。The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.

东北抗联歌词中不乏文采飞扬的佳作。Lyrics of these songs include many excellent literary masterpieces.

本文采用水作为发汗剂研究了发汗控制问题。The transpiration control problem is investigated with water as the coolant.

柯文采北京大学科维理天文研究所教授,博士,荷兰籍。Thijs Kouwenhoven PhD. Amsterdam, Professor of Astronomy, Peking University.

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因而即便是写奏折,古人也尽可能地写得文采斐然。Therefore, even in writing a memorial, the ancients tried to make it rich and bright.

但如果那样的话,对于文采不好的人是不会写出任何东西的。But if this way, about literary talent is not good people that cannot written anything.

通过为王文采先生整理口述自传,得出一点从事口述史学的体会。Wang Wencai's oral autobiography, this paper obtained some understanding of oral history.

该文采用温室盆栽法,研究了无耗能控水袋释水规律。The water-releasing regulations of water-controlled bag were studied by pot method in greenhouse.

本文采用药代动力学方法研究缺碘大鼠口服大、小剂量碘油制剂后的药物变化规律。The pharmacokinetics of iodized oil was studied after oral administration in iodine deficient rats.

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本文采用水化学和同位素方法对四川黄龙沟沿途出露的7个泉点进行了分析。Hydrochemical and isotopic methods were used to analyze 7 springs issued along the Huanglong Ravine.

你不必非要有莎翁的文采,只需充满诚意地自创一首去表达爱意。You don't have to be Shakespeare –look for sincere, original ways to tell someone that you love them.

在史才方面,他认为最关键的是组织和文采。In history talents aspect, he thought the most key is organization and literary expressions abilities.

巨细无疑的叙述,就得要一支文采远不如我的笔了。To give an accurate and exhaustive account of that period would need a far less brilliant pen than mine.

该文采用加罚有限元方法对滴头内流动进行数值模拟,详细分析了“迷宫式”滴头在不同流量时的流动特性。In the paper, the Galerkin penalty finite element method was applied to simulate the flows in the emitter.

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文采不好,写这么多也不容易,有不同意见,欢迎拍砖。Literary talent is not good, not easy to write so many, there are different opinions are welcome Paizhuan.

活动旨在为农民工文学爱好者提供一个挥洒文采的舞台。The contest is to provide an opportunity for farmer-turned-worker literature lovers to show their talents.

论忠义、文采,中国有“精忠报国”的岳飞。" Valuing loyalty and talent, China has Yue Fei who "devotes himself to his country with supreme loyalty".