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去做做推拿或者泡泡温泉,犒劳一下自己。Treat yourself to a massage or spa day.

他们清楚地知道阴间的君主是不可能犒劳他们的。They know he can’t pay them from beyond the grave.

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要是想犒劳一下自己,我喜欢享用野蜂蜜和蜜蜂。For a treat, I like to feast on wild honey and bees.

你不必花大把钱就可以好好犒劳一下自己。You can indulge yourself without spending a fortune.

可能是需要重新想想“犒劳”的含义了。Maybe it's time to re-think our definition of a "treat."

你自己挣了钱,当然应该好好犒劳自己。You have your own money now. And you certainly deserve it.

有时往一家好的素食餐馆大吃一顿犒劳自己。Of course, proximity to great vegan restaurants was a bonus.

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或许你甚至可以喝一杯草莓味牛奶,犒劳一下自己。Maybe even treat yourself to a glass of strawberry-flavored milk.

在艰苦的健身或者比赛后他们经常想犒劳自己。They often want to treat themselves after a hard workout or race.

如果有时间,把回家的车费当作步行的犒劳。If time permits, save the fee of bus ticket as reward of your walk.

今天要犒劳自己的是,原谅他昨天的过错。What I could reward myself today, is to forgive for what he did yesterday.

就只为自己。做这些事情是为了犒劳一下自己。Just something that's just for you. That you can do to kind of honor yourself.

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亲爱的毕业生童鞋们,来一场毕业旅行犒劳自己吧!Dearest graduates, give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself with a getaway!

达到每个预期的目标时别忘了犒劳一下自己,那样可以更进一步的激励你。Reward yourself with a treat after reaching each milestone, to encourage your further.

改变是一个缓慢的过程,一定要在小有进步的时候犒劳自己。Change is a slow process so be sure to reward yourself along the way for small achievements.

我本人来做你们的将军,法官和你们战场忠勇的犒劳者。I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.

有些人正站在旁边吧唧吧唧地嚼着他们的犒劳食品,脸上洋溢着陶醉的表情。Others are standing around munching on the their bounty with a look of ecstasy on their faces.

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因为它的食谱太苛刻了,所以他准备了一篮子的食物来犒劳自己。He looked embarrassed because the diet was too strict, he prepared a basket of food to reward himself.

如果你用冰激凌和薯片来犒劳自己,那你可以放弃减肥计划了。If you start filling up on ice-cream and chips then you can forget about weight loss. The trick is to eat

一旦目标达成,要好好犒劳自己,这样才能激励你坚持下去。And once you've reached your goal, treat yourself for the good job you've done, so it will encourage you to continue.