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学习草体字真的有必要吗?Was learning cursive really necessary?

邀请函使用草体亲笔书写的,塞丽娜。Invitation is handwritten. Serena, in cursive.

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自到校以来,他的草体字进步很大。His cursive writing improved a lot since he came to school.

为了避免与关联矩阵和广义圈矩阵混淆,我们利用了草体字母。We use script letter to avoid confusion with the incidence and circ matrices.

阿拉伯语的阅读顺序是从右至左,词语的书写方式是草体"Arabic is read from right to left, and words are formed from cursive text," Almabruk said.

这张纸上的草体是修改过的汉字读音。The handwritten characters on this piece of paper are the corrected pronunciations of those Chinese characters.

三萜类化合物、蚁酸、草体乙醛,三磷酸腺酐等共70多种滋养成分。There are over 70 kinds of nutritious content such as triterpenoid compound, ant acid, herbaceous ethanal and triphosphate.

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公司为了要让这套丛书易于辨认,设计了统一的亮黄色封面,书名用草体写在黑色的底色上,就像粉笔写在黑板上一样。The company has made sure the books are easy to recognize. They all have bright yellow covers, with titles scrawled on black signs, like chalk on a blackboard.

我用草体书写,所以我担心的是那里面的两个小写s不对称,而且我以前学习写s上面都有个圆点。I write in fairly legible cursive, so my concern was that the two lowercase s’swould be asymmetrical, not have the same roundness with a little point cresting the top, the way I was taught.

多次少量的施肥可提高草坪的均一度,缓释肥的应用减小了草坪生长速度的波动,更有利于保持草体内N浓度相对稳定。Better uniformity was abtained with fertilization times increasing. The turf fertilized with slow-release fertilizer had a slow fluctuation of growth rate and kept a relative stable N concentration.