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我热爱幻想工程。I loved Imagineering.

过于庞大的工程?。A mega-project too far?

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“三八绿色工程”活动。March 8th Green Project.

工程造价管理。Project cost management.

配音是个巨大工程。The voice acting is huge.

但是这个“如果”是一个很庞大的工程。But the “if” is a big one.

通信工程。Communication Engineering.

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开展二期工程!Plan for Phase II Project!

在一个工程上倾入了钱。Pump money into a project.

对外承包工程。Foreign contracted projects.

为何使用性能工程?Why performance engineering?

该项工程是巴比负责的。The project is Bobbie's baby.

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这项工程估价了吗?。Has this project been costed ?

WQD工程用泵。排污泵。WQD project pump. sewage pump.

什么是生物医学工程?What Is Biomedical Engineering?

这项工程进行得不太顺利。The project did not go smoothly.

这项工程似乎令他着迷。The project seems to obsess him.

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他们可以求助于希望工程呀。They can go to the Hope Project.

工程周期长,投入成本高。Project cycle is long, high cost.

这项工程明年上马。The project will start next year.