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它的时间去寻找一种撩拨流。It's time to find the kind titillate the flow.

只需要纤指撩拨,心境就全然变换了。Only Xianzhi spun, would completely transform the mood.

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这些故事就象当年铁路时刻表一样,撩拨着我的心弦。These stories spoke to me in much the same way railroad timetables had.

上口和耐人寻味的,他们惊喜,撩拨的想象力。Both catchy and intriguing, they surprise and titillate the imagination.

光芒撩拨起恋人们的心弦,犹如感到激情澎湃。Such rays which titillate lovers' hearts and provoke passionate feelings.

或许,我们都有坚强的一面,会不断的阻挡着回忆的撩拨。Perhaps, we have a strong side, will continue to block the memories of his.

朝鲜封闭又顽固,和外界联系甚少,但为什么总有国家撩拨他?PRICKLY and isolated, North Korea has few enough connections to the outside world.

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他乘机百般撩拨,眉目传情。He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings, casting arch glances at them.

它为你的撩拨奠定基调而且可以提高你表演的兴奋度。It sets the tone of your moves and it could heighten the excitement of your performance.

于是她慵懒的躺在云端,撩拨着竖琴,放声歌唱。So she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on clouds and playing the harp and singing.

“你属于谁?”他问道。他的□在我的臀缝间挤擦着,那坚硬的感觉撩拨着我的欲望。"Who do you belong to?" he asks me, his cock nuzzling between my butt cheeks, teasing and hard.

在减肥产品上有这些信息在撩拨着那些正在寻找快速而便利的减肥方法的消费者。Messaged like these on weight-loss products taunt consumers looking for a quick and easy way to shed pounds.

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一个好奇的小人,检查他的昏睡状态,找到用短矛的尖端撩拨其鼻孔的好办法。A curious Lilliputian, inspecting his comatose form, puts the sharp endofhis half-pike a good wayuphis nostril.

她常常像其他鲤鱼那样继续徘徊潜伏,撩拨泥水聊作掩护,鳞鳞如羽,顾盼生姿。Often she continued to lurk, roiling the mud to conceal herself and basking in her own scaled beauty, as carp will.

你要明白学习跳脱衣舞并不全是学习正确的舞步和性感的撩拨。You need to understand that learning how to striptease is not all about studying the right dance steps and sexy moves.

下次这种情形在发生,就寻香而入,要杯深褐色的咖啡,让它浓郁的香味撩拨起你所有的感官。The next time this happens, follow your nose and try a cup of rich brown liquid that stirs the senses with its strong flavors.

在来回折叠的床包中,将心撩拨柔柔的,仿佛回到了校园青涩的恋爱萌动时。In the back and forth folding bedside the heart beats excitedly as if having returned to the sentimental young love on the campus.

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在减肥产品上有这些音信在撩拨着那些正在摸索急速而简单的减肥设施的花费者。Message range like these on weight-loss products tsister consumers looking for an effective and straightforward way to shed pounds.

那或金色或栗色的波浪卷发,或白皙或古铜的细腻肌肤,或忧郁或销魂的碧眼秋波,似有若无地撩拨着心底最柔软的角落。Their blond or auburn hair, fair or bronze skin, blue or dark eyes, can always gently touch the softest, deepest place in our hearts.

在这个层次,艺术家正在运用的是牺牲献祭的层次,他所正在运用那些东西,在神像画而言,是撩拨我们渴望上帝救赎的意象。At this level, the artist is operating on the sacrificial plane—he is playing with those things, in this case, images, that may arouse the desire of God.