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那个十字架呢?。And the crucifix?

但我凭着圣十字架起誓!And, by the holy rood!

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有十字架的石窟。The grotto with the cross.

他在十字架上已经为你偿还。He paid for it on the cross.

那是为了纪念耶稣被钉十字架。It's when Jesus was crucified.

十字架是登入天堂的梯子。Cro sses are ladders to heaven.

或黏住一根棍,越过十字架。Or stick a stick across a cross.

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她看见一座十字架伫立在花园中央。She saw a crucifix in the garden.

他们说,把他钉十字架。They all answered, "Crucify him!"

我们的罪驱使耶稣走上十字架。Our sins drove Jesus to the cross.

谁能卑微地背起十字架Who here his cross can meekly bear

一个十字架或者是一幅曾经爱人的照片?A cross or a picture of a loved one?

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听并且盘旋壁虱或十字架?Listen and circle the tick or cross?

我们躲在祢十字架的荫影下So in the shadow of Thy cross to hide

在他的坟头上有一个木头十字架。There is a wooden cross on his grave.

十字架上的苦痛才会带来耶稣复活。Out of crucifixion comes resurrection.

投奔我的关口是十字架的苦难。The gateway is the cross to get to Me.

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你走向十字架,欣然赴死You went to a cross and willingly died

你若喜悦并得荣耀,我背任何十字架。If you joy and glory, I back any cross.

屋顶上的十字架象征着耶稣。The cross at the top symbolizes Christ.