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从开始的那天便一目了然As clean as on the starting day.

“这并非是个一目了然的案子,”他这样说。"This is no clear-cut case, " he said.

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这条道路通向何方应该是一目了然的。It should be clear where this path leads.

咦,那一目了然。需求我为你解析吗?。Gee, it leaps to the eye. Need I tell it to you?

便宜的鞋子,像讨厌的布料一样,让人一目了然。Cheap shoes, much like icky fabric, look obvious.

咦,那一目了然。需求我为你解释吗?。Gee, it leaps to the eye. Need I explain it for you?

他对候恩的情况可以一目了然。He would have an idea of what was happening to Hearn.

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在我看来,整件事情是一目了然的。As far as I can see the whole matter is open-and-shut.

这个位置居高临下整个江面一目了然。This position clear at a glance down the entire river.

手持机具有简洁菜单,操作方便,一目了然。Handset with a simple menu, easy to operate, at a glance.

也许这样事情就一目了然了。And it might be that these things can actually come apart.

这个阶段,我不喜欢一目了然的东西。In this period right now, I don't like open-and-shut stuff.

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对于"什么是新闻"这个问题的回答似乎一目了然。The answer to the question “What is news?” may seem obvious.

大面积清晰玻璃展示面,柜内物品一目了然。Large clear glass display surface, cabinet items at a glance.

对他的肺部进行了X光检查,疾病一目了然。When his lungs were X rayed the disease could be clearly seen.

运行状态全程高清直显,一目了然。Running state Gao Qingzhi show all the way, be clear at a glance.

历史的过渡并非抽象的概念,在此一目了然。Historical transition is not an abstract concept but clear to see.

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中空玻璃门,展示效果佳,柜内物品一目了然。Hollow glass door, showing good results, cabinet items at a glance.

“医学人文”是不少让人一目了然的术语之一。“Medical humanities” is one of those I-know-one-when-I-see-one terms.

钢之家在梦幻般一目了然钢之家,你将永远不会忘记。One glance at the fantastical Steel House, and you'll never forget it.