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⊙、努力向上的开拓,才使弯曲的竹鞭化作了笔直的毛竹。Strive to open up, to bend into straight bamboo rhizome.

随着坡度的增加,毛竹分布的面积减少。The area of bamboo forest decreased with the increasing slope.

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你看那些像棉絮一样的东西是毛竹纤维。You see the stuff looking like cotton fibers is bamboo fibers.

不过现在树大了,我发现,这棵树上长了一个圪塔,就像毛竹的节。But now big tree, I found that the tree has a GeDa, like bamboo section.

是毛竹之嫩茎,长于山野河谷之中。It is tender caudex of Mao bamboo that grows in mountains and river valleys.

各营养元素之间的比例与平衡对毛竹产量有影响。The proportion and balance of nutrient elements will influence bamboo yield.

低山较中山更适于毛竹的生长。Phyllostachys heterocycla grew better in lower mountain than middle mountain.

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结果表明,竹杆容重随年龄的变化反映了毛竹个体独特的生长分化特点。The result shows that the unit weight of culm changes along with the age of culm.

受雨淞为害的毛竹出现折裂、倒伏和弯曲变形三种情况。Phyllostachys pubescens harmed by glazed frost shows breaking, lodging and winding.

竹木复合材所用原料为毛竹、杨木夹板。The material of bamboo and wood combination in the study is bamboo, poplar plywood.

据传此山多产毛竹,人们在此用竹,制做扫帚而得名。Rumor has it that Hill prolific bamboo, people in the bamboo, do brooms system named.

用于对木材、草苇、毛竹等物料进行装卸运输、堆垛和拆垛等作业。It's used in loading, unloading transporting, stacking and unstacking of wood, grass and reed.

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探讨了升温速率和热解温度对毛竹EMAL热失重行为的影响。The effects of heating rate and temperature on the pyrolysis behaviors of EMAL are investigated.

木材运输车用于对木材、草苇、毛竹等物料进行装卸运输、堆垛和柴垛等作业。It's used in loading, transporting, stacking and unstacking of wood, grass and reed, bamboo, etc.

天然手工竹制装饰灯艺,竹材是采集长在崇山峻岭的特选优质毛竹。Natural bamboo, bamboo lamp manual arts in the mountains are gathering selected high quality bamboo.

对毛竹等六种竹材同硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥的相适性作了研究。The compatibilities between various bamboos and portland cement, common portland cement, are studied.

同样是做面,广东人用毛竹,中原人则用的是擀面杖。When making noodles, the Cantonese use bamboo while those in the Central Plains apply a rolling pole.

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以毛竹种子为材料,研究测定了种子萌发过程中部分生理指标的动态变化。Determined the dynamic changes of physiological index of phyllostachys edulis during seed germination.

毛竹集约经营未改变各类有机碳的剖面变化特征。The profile distribution of different fractions of organic carbon were not altered by intensive practice.

毛竹是我国面积最大、分布范围最广、经济价值最高的竹种。Phyllostachys pubescens is a bamboo species with the largest area and the highest economic value in China.