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我听了老师的话,心里甜滋滋的。I listened to the teacher, heart sweetness of.

小明心里甜滋滋的,高高兴兴地回家了。Xiao-Ming Zizi sweet heart, and happily go home.

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许多苹果都成熟了,甜滋滋的,味道好极了。Many an apple was ripe and sweet, and tastes delicious.

香喷喷、甜滋滋,两老吃了食欲大增,病体也好了。Tasty, fruity, two old eat increase appetite, body good.

我慢慢地喝下了一口水时,感觉有甜滋滋的味道在里头!I drank a saliva slowly, the feeling of a sweet taste of Zizi's inside!

我看了后十分高兴,心里甜滋滋的,好像吃了蜜糖似的。I was very happy to read my heart sweetness, as if eating a honey-like.

加布里埃尔的鼻子嗅到了一股新麦芽的甜滋滋的气息。Gabriel's nose was greeted by an atmosphere laden with the sweet smell of new malt.

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我看着这些大大小小的香泡,嘴里感觉甜滋滋的,好想摘几个吃吃!I looked at the large and small, fragrant foam, mouth feel sweet Zizi, and Zhai a few eat!

四季确定易奕是爱她的,看到易奕的真情流露,不禁心里甜滋滋的。Four seasons make sure Yi Yi is love her, see Yi Yi true feelings, can not help but heart fruity.

他认为蝶儿心里记挂着自己,心里感到甜滋滋,开心地把玩着这个布偶工艺品。He thought the butterfly heart and mind their own, feel sweet, happy to play with the puppet arts and crafts.

他们悉数返回宫殿去了,而宦官们则慢腾腾地跟在后头,一路顺道采摘着甜滋滋的桑椹。They went back to the palace, the eunuchs following slowly behind and plucking the sweet mulberries from the trees as they passed.

在我的脑海里清清楚楚地浮现出昨晚的景象,接着又甜滋滋地做起了今晚的美梦。Memories of the previous evening came back into my mind, untainted, unimpeded and gaily escorted by my hopes for the night to come.

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因此我们会引导每个人购买取自天然泉水的饮用水,它尝起来是甜滋滋的,里面将拥有一个优美的能量流。We would guide each to therefore purchase water from natural springs that tastes sweet and will have a beautiful energy flow therein.

读书也是甜的,读了好书,在别人面前展示自己的风采时,得到大家的赞扬,心里总是甜滋滋的。Reading is also a sweet, read good books, in front of others to show their style, and received praise from everyone, and my heart is always sweet Zizi's.

尺把长的杀猪刀早被男主人磨得锃亮,拿大拇指在刀口上试一试,金属传递给肌肤一丝痒舒舒的感觉,这种感觉是甜滋滋的。The butcher knife was ruler over the long man of polished, with the thumb on the edge of metal transfer to try, a good skin itching feeling, this feeling is sweet.

手上沾满了甜滋滋的蜂蜜、每天在花丛中穿梭,对他来说,爱上这份工作还干上二十年并不很难理解。With a bottomless supply of sugary honey at his fingertips and his days spent outdoors surrounded by flowers, he says it's easy to see why bee farming has been his big love for two decades.