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史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。It is rich in musical melody and rhythm.

有些人没有足够的节奏感跳布吉舞。Some people just don't have enough rhythm to boogie.

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他是个节奏感很强的投手,很多个夜晚都能大放异彩。He's a rhythm shooter and he'll have some big nights.

他的音乐动听,有节奏感,和老卡的音乐风格神似。Catchy, rhythmical and not unlike the music of Karunesh.

街舞吧。我觉得它的音乐很有节奏感。Maybe a hip-hop one. I think the music has a great beat.

球员在练习中必须流畅,传接球有节奏感。Players must get into the rhythm of the game and passes.

街舞吧。我觉得它的音乐很有节奏感。A. Maybe a hip-hop one. I think the music has a great beat.

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如果你喜欢摇滚音乐,有节奏感,你的明星之路将从这里开始!If you like rock music, rhythm, your path will be a star here!

我的朋友把曲子重新编成快节奏感的歌。My friend made a remix of a song and it had a much faster beat.

建筑师通过混合每一个体块的进深来创造出韵律和节奏感。The architect created rhythm by mixing the depths of each volume.

充满韵律和节奏感的海浪声给予我无限自由和平静的感觉。The rhythm of waves gave me such a sense of freedom and tranquility.

节奏感十足的说唱乐从黑暗角落处传来。The thump-thump-thump of rap music blared from somewhere in the dark.

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贝多芬有创作旋律的天才,而且还有强烈的节奏感。Allied to Beethoven's gift for making tunes is a strong sense of timing.

无聊引起的哭泣通常富有节奏感,夹杂啜泣和呜咽。The boredom cry is often rhythmical and also contains sobbing and moans.

其次,要准确把握节奏,演奏中要有集体的节奏感。Secondly, we should grasp rhythm correctly with the sense of collectivity.

蔡依林唱的美人计,节奏感不错,大家可以试听下载使用。Jolin singing honey trap, a good sense of rhythm, you can listen to download.

虽然村上春树故事的情节曲折,但不失节奏感和人性之美。But although Murakami's plot meanders, it never loses its pace or its humanity.

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而后者意味着,他的节奏感之接近于摇滚乐几乎就像其接近于比波普风格一样。The second meant that his sense of rhythm was almost as close to rock as to bebop.

我今天跳舞时可笨了,两只脚好像都是左脚一样,而且一点儿节奏感也没有。I am really klutzy on the dance floor. It's like I have two left feet and no rhythm.

跳舞的人物表现出具有节奏感的石头的坚硬与沉默。The dancing figure expresses the solidness and the silence of the stone with rhymes.