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你恰恰是传播的媒介。You are just the medium.

他恰恰写出了这首作品。He's just written this poem.

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而在美国,我们恰恰沉溺于此。In America, we wallow in it.

可爱的恰恰舞曲。谢谢小屹分享。Thanks for your help and sharing.

老糊涂,恰恰在此刻打盹。Dotard, a-dozing at the very nonce.

我怀疑这恰恰是他有意为之。I wonder if this is what he intends?

认知科学就恰恰是这样。and Cognitive Science is exactly that.

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正,恰恰正如你所言。用来表示赞同。As you say. Used to indicate agreement.

这也恰恰是艾登想要的。This was exactly what Aiden wanted, too.

但是现实恰恰是因为丑陋才美丽。But reality is as beautiful as it is ugly.

但是,我发现这样恰恰纵容了PTB。However, I found that it just connived PTB.

然而这恰恰是事情有意思的地方。But that’s precisely what is so interesting.

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那恰恰是我不想让你做的。That's precisely what I don't want you to do.

对老式的碰恰恰舞步有问题吗?Having trouble with the old bogo pogo, are we?

但是,这恰恰是开展这场对话的原因之一。But that is partly what this dialogue is about.

但是我得提醒你,我可能恰恰享受这样的行为。I must warn you, though, that I might enjoy it.

我和你恰恰都是置身于猪舍当中。You and I are right in the middle of the pigpen.

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事实上,这恰恰是我每天担心的。Actually this is what I'm worried about everyday.

奥布里•德•戈瑞恰恰就是这样做的。One man who has done just that is Aubrey de Grey.

你最好在桑巴里加段碰恰恰试试。You should try a bogo pogo in your samba, though.