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前往花园幽径,莫往飞沙大漠。In garden-alleys, not in desert-sand.

时不时有这样的孔穴给幽径透点亮光。From time to time such holes light up the path.

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噢!爱的幽径是多么精致与微妙!Oh how delicate, how subtle is the path of love!

我们是在菩提幽径尽头的灌木丛林里。We were in the shrubbery at the end of the lime-walk.

她纯净美丽的歌声,濯亮了山涧,小溪,幽径及一只鸟灰色的哀鸣。Her pure beautiful voice, Zhuo bright streams, creeks, You Jing, and a gray bird whine.

文章分析了花园幽径句的三个句法语义特性。The author summarizes three particular properties of this kind of sentence in syntactic and semantic aspects.

前山的风格是宏伟、壮丽,而后山则是以松林幽径和小桥曲水取胜。Former Hill style is grand and magnificent, and then meticulously and Pine Hill is a small bridges Qushui win.

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基于程序设计的顺序、选择和循环结构可用于对花园幽径句进行算法剖析。The procedure-related structures of order, option and cycle help us to analyze algorithm of garden path sentence.

著名作家张一弓赞誉为“高峡飞瀑藏幽径,绿水秀竹怀古情”。Famous writer Zhang Gong praised as "high Gorge waterfall hidden and quiet lane, green water bamboo nostalgia show love."

花园幽径现象对先期理解产生行进式错位,是原有认知模式的否定之否定。Processing breakdown of the original understanding and negation of negation of the first cognitive model are two impressive features.

在清晨,沿着西湖边的幽径漫步,看薄雾轻笼水面,然后信步登上湖边山丘,造访古意盎然的永福寺。Follow the footpath alongside West Lake in the morning to see the mist covering the water, then climb the hill to visit Yongfu Temple.

若从后门而入,则屋宇随山势而形异,幽径绕殿堂而回环,使人宛登仙境,似入蓬莱。From the back door, the house with the mountain-shaped and different path around the circle and Hall, Wan Deng is in Wonderland , it seems to Penglai.

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当我在金士顿山脊下的幽径边摘黑莓的时候,她们也和我一起摘,她们那黧黑的健壮手臂不怎么注意被路边的植物划了些痕迹,她们笑的时候可以看出嘴巴被黑莓汁染紫色了。When I pick blackberries on the path under Kingston Ridge they pick with me, their tanned, sinewy arms oblivious to scratches, their laughing mouths purple with juice.

是的,扭一下的确可以增添生命许多欢乐。而且,可能不但丝毫不干扰冥冥宇宙的直线大道,反而是设计者一条到达同样终点的私密幽径呢!In addition, not only does this not interfere with the straight lines found in the universe, but it is perhaps a private path that arrives at the same designed ultimate destination.