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他像个野兽斜视你!He squints at you like a beast!

米契自出生就有斜视。Mitch has been cross-eyed from birth.

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她已经继承了母亲的斜视眼。She’d already appropriated her mother’s squint.

孩子间歇性斜视是什么病?What disease is child intermittence strabismus?

这儿既没有视频游戏,也没有Wii家用游戏中虚拟的斜视眼睛。This was no video game, no virtual walleye of Wii.

斜视有时候可以通过戴眼罩来纠正。A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.

斜视和弱视是脑瘫儿童最常见的眼部疾病。Strabismus and amblyopia were the commonest eye diseases.

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那警卫点点头,但还是用怀疑的眼神斜视我们。The security man nodded, but squinted at us suspiciously.

集合功能不全型外斜视的手术治疗效果。Surgical outcomes in convergence insufficiency-type exotropia.

她斜视着瑞克,从他的餐盘里取了一勺食物。She looked at him askance and took a forkful of food from his plate.

是否有不同类型的斜视,如果有,它们都是什么?Are there different types of strabismus and if so, how are they named?

HESS屏试验用来测试人眼的斜视程度,是视觉评估重要手段之一。The HESS-screen test was for check up of eye's strabismus or well-eye.

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他似乎也被强烈的太阳光照的有点睁不开眼睛,导致有点斜视的样子。He also seems to be slightly blinded by the sun, causing him to squint.

患侧倾斜垂直斜视度也有明显改善,但歪头试验的阳性率仍较高。But the positive rates of the Bielschowsky head tilt test are still high.

卧地不起的动物表现角弓反张,头倾斜,斜视,眼球震颤。Recumbent animals exhibit opisthotonus, head tilt, strabismus and nystagmus.

探讨间歇性外斜视的手术时机。To discussion the opportunity choice on the intermittence exotropia surgery.

严重斜视会导致复视,可以依赖当今医学手术痊愈。Severe strabismus leads to double vision and can be treated today by surgery.

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别做出不雅不雅的姿式,如咬唇、目斜视、发出啧啧声。不要用咂嘴、翻白眼等近似动作暗示鄙视。Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.

目的控讨V型斜视不同术式的治疗效果。Objective To study the effects of different surgical procedures of V- exotropia.

他胸膛低陷,眼睛斜视,步履蹒跚,但又着实生气勃勃。He was hollow-chested, squint-eyed, and rather shambling, but spry enough withal.