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鹈鹕星云。The Pelican Nebula.

鹈鹕是只神奇的鸟A wonderful bird is the pelican

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这是鹈鹕在水面上猎取鱼类的画面。In this case, the poopers are pelicans.

巴拉塔里亚湾,一只裹满石油的褐鹈鹕卧在水里。A pelican sits covered with oil in Barataria Bay, Louisiana

巴拉塔里亚湾,一只裹满石油的褐鹈鹕卧在水里。A pelican sits covered with oil in Barataria Bay, Louisiana.

低飞是鹈鹕和信天翁的事,你学这干什么?Why can’t you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross?

库尔特看着鹈鹕运兵船点火,它们的喷焰把草烧焦。Kurt watched the Pelicans fire their jets and scorch the grass.

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路易斯安那猫岛,裹满石油的小褐鹈鹕。Oil-covered brown pelican chicks are seen on Cat Island, Louisiana

鸟类救护与研究中心人员在冲洗一只受油浸的褐鹈鹕。Bird rescue and research center staff rinse off an oiled brown pelican.

鹈鹕也能巧妙地俯冲捉鱼,除嘴之外,其他部分都不沾水。Pelicans can also dive for fish so carefully that only their beaks get wet.

鹈鹕通常都是下两枚蛋,即便这样,父母也只能抚养其中的一只幼鸟。Boobies often lay two eggs even though the parents can care for only one chick.

鹈鹕通常都是下两枚蛋,即便这样,父母也只能抚养其中的一只幼鸟。Boobies often lay two eggs, even though the parents can care for only one chick.

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无论是否是鹈鹕,德约都始终遵守他的命令,将自己的战舰至于以北海面。Pelicans or not, Deyo was sticking to his orders, taking his battlewagons north.

一只褐鹈鹕正在福特杰克逊鸟类安置中心休息。A brown pelican rests at the Fort Jackson Bird Rehabilitation Center in Buras, La.

伦敦圣詹姆斯公园的鹈鹕异常凶猛,曾生吞一只活鸽。Pelican in St. James' Park in London was once filmed eating a fully grown Pigeon alive.

鹈鹕装满水的颊囊过于沉重而很难提起,他们又过于贪婪而不愿松口。Pelicans' water-filled pouches are too heavy to lift, and they're too greedy to let go.

鹈鹕的行为起码有一部分是和自己的历史有关的。The boobies' behavior seems to be at least partly linked to the birds' natural history.

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图为在喜达尔岛,一只褐鹈鹕“站”在海湾的码头上欣赏着眼前的风景。Sittin' on the dock of the bay, a brown pelican takes in the passing scene at Cedar Key.

路易斯安那东格兰德岛,一只粘满浓稠石油的褐鹈鹕在海浪中冲洗。A brown pelican coated in heavy oil wallows in the surf on East Grand Terre Island, Louisiana

最重要的是不用我鹈鹕情况下,所有的这一起举行了一些不错强烈铁起伏。On top of that goes my Pelican case, all of it held together with some nice strong tie-downs.