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在人体内的长期存在的乙烷导致的结果是大范围的末梢神经系统衰竭。lts of hexane in humans is extensive peripheral nervous system failure.

下嘴唇末梢神经坏死…应该算是小残疾吧…Milo 's mouth is crooked because he was born with dead nerve endings in his lower lip.

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随着骨髓的枢椎管的再生作用也产生末梢神经病。Peripheral neuropathy also occurs with demyelization and degeneration of the axis cylinder.

我们假定这些功能可在末梢神经标准化模型下得以论证。We hypothesized that these functional effects could be demonstrable in standard models of peripheral nerve injury.

其中一种方法着眼于脑的末梢神经细胞,在疾病发展过程中,此细胞随之退化。One line of research focuses on the endings of nerve cells in the brain, which degenerate as the disease progresses.

研究团队发现在的末梢神经及大脑的多巴胺传输中,区域对酬谢路径非常重要。The research team discovered changes in mu opioid receptors and dopamine transporters of the brain -- areas important to reward pathways.

目的观察糖尿病性心自主神经病变和末梢神经病变的患病率及其与其他糖尿病慢性并发症的关系。Objective To examine the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy and its relationship with other chronic diabetic complications in patients with diabetes mellitus.

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方法随机分为两组,比较两种方法给药后引起患者静脉炎和末梢神经损伤有无差异。Methods Divides into two groups stochastically, after two methods for medicine whether there is causes the patient phlebitis and the nerve ending damages the difference.

虽然科学家对造成末梢神经细胞退化的因素存在分歧,但研究已经证明,随着疾病的发展,脑中会生成2型烯烃。While scientists disagree about what causes nerve-ending degeneration, studies have clearly shown that the progression of the disease itself produces type-2 alkenes in the brain.

卫生所的角色如同政府的末梢神经,除了在第一线反映社区民众的需求,也必须将政府传递的服务在社区全面推行。Health centers act like the "peripheral nerves" of the government healthcare system, as they must both reflect the needs of community residents and fully implement government mandated services.