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阿真招呼道。True hello way.

蒂姆热情地招呼她。Tim greets her warmly.

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挥手,跟屏幕前的老妈打个招呼Wave. Wave to mom at home.

但时机未到,我还不想招呼他呢。I would not accost him yet.

他谦恭地同我们打了招呼。He greeted us with civility.

我只是顺道来打个招呼。I just come by to say hello.

招呼对你,我的公爵。Salutations to you, my Lord.

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你都这样招呼客人的吗?This is how you greet guests?

我得去跟她打个招呼。I have to go say hello to her.

你都这样招呼客人吗?。This is how you greet guests ?

我们招呼他把车开过来。We signalled him to pull over.

她错跟那个人打了招呼。She greeted the man by mistake.

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他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼。He greeted me with a greasy smile.

那边有人招呼你。Someone over there is calling you.

灰熊母亲正招呼自己的孩子。A mother grizzly bear greets her cub.

刘总,跟网友打一个招呼。Mr. Liu, playing with friends a call.

和腕式手机的概念打声招呼吧!Say hello to the Rollerphone concept!

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他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼。She greeted us with a nod of the head.

东西?你都这样招呼客人吗?。This is how you greet guests at party?

你都这样招呼客人吗?This is how you greet guests at a party?