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并非一切的破碎险都属于单独海损。Not every breakage is a particular average.

险是属于一种单独海损,对吗?Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks.

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特别费用不包括在单独海损内。Particular charges are not included in particular average.

保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险。Insurance company insured ships and their cargoes against loss and sea.

保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险.Insurance companies insured ships and their cargoes against loss at sea.

平安险不包括单独海损性质的部分损失。The F.P.A. doesn't cover partial loss of the nature of particular average.

平安险不包括零丁海损性质的部分丧失落。The F. P. A. doesn't cover partial loss of the nature of particular average.

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它包括共同海损牺牲和共同海损费用。It includes a general average expenditure as well as a general average sacrifice.

假如某批货是部份受损,咱们称之为“单独海损”。If a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is titled particular average.

共同海损担保,可以提供可靠的担保函,也可以提供担保金。Such security may be in the form of a reliable letter of guarantee or a cash deposit.

共同海损理算,适用当事人约定的理算规则。The adjustment of general average is governed by the rules agreed by the parties to it.

假如某批货是部份受损咱们称之为“单独海损”。If a particular bikego is partiwhichley damaged, the damage is titled particular average.

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实际上,在海上保险出现之前,共同海损曾经是一个非常有用的概念。In fact, before marine insurance came into being, general average was once a very useful idea.

如果某批货是部分受损我们称之为“单独海损”。很明显,这批产品的品质是中下水平。If a particular cargo is partially Its obvious that the products are below the average quality.

可作为共同海损的临时修理费用,不应作'以新换旧'的扣减。No deductions 'new for old' shall be made from the cost of temporary repairs allowable as general average.

本条规定不影响对编制海损理算书地点的决定。This rule shall not affect the determination of the place at which the average statement is to be made up.

除数字规则已有规定者外,共同海损应按字母规则理算。Except as provided by the numbered rules general average shall be adjusted according to the lettered rules.

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事实上,在海上保险出现之前,共同海损曾经是一个非常有用的概念。Before in fact, appears in the marine insurance, the common seadamages once was an extremely useful concept.

货主或收货人应当支付运费、海损费以及就上述货物所发生的一切其他费用。The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property.

海事法院受理未经理算的共同海损纠纷,可以委托理算机构理算。In dealing with an unadjusted average dispute, the maritime court may entrust average adjusters with the adjustment.