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在印度,日食被认为是凶兆。In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.

这种压制对国家的未来预示着凶兆。And this dumbing down bodes ill for the nation's future.

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死亡凶兆迅速地在他脑海中盘旋。The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head.

部队的调动对这地区的和平是一种凶兆。The movement of troops augurs ill for the peace of the area.

这个干瘦的老太婆伸出她褶皱的手指,带着凶兆落在死神这张牌上。The crone lifts her wrinkled finger and drops it ominously on the Death card.

从那喧嚣中忽必列远远听到祖先的喊声预言着战争的凶兆!And 'midst this tumult Kubla heard from afar, Ancestral voices prophesying war!

阿斯特出生于美国,显然没有预示凶兆的星星在她头顶运行。Born in the states, she certainly had no bad stars tracking across her heavens.

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梦境!凶兆!幻影!奇迹!狂喜!没入美国的河流!Visions! omens! hallucinations ! miracles! ecstasies! gone down the American river!

黑暗吓不倒我,恶魔!现在,我以凶兆符记诅咒你!The darkness holds no terror for me, demon! I curse you now under the Sign of Ill Omen!

我们正在品尝过度相信的苦果,遭受着毫无凶兆的苦难。We are reaping the consequences of an excess of confidence, suffering for lack of a Cassandra.

兴登堡凶兆受到如此热捧,时值市场不确定性越来越大,预测各异。The Hindenburg following comes amid growing uncertainty in the markets and widely disparate forecasts.

由于不能在利多消息情况下收涨,这对于上升趋势中的风险资产而言是一个凶兆。It is a bad sign for an uptrend in risk assets when they fail to rally on what should be positive news.

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长久以来,月食都和迷信与凶兆联系在一起,特别是在战争期间。Lunar eclipses have long been associated with superstitions and signs of ill omen, especially in battle.

此刻,我的无带之表恢复正常了,它告诉我,没有带着凶兆,我的时间正匆匆流尽-一一我的两分钟完了。Now my strapless watch benign again, tells me without threat-that my time is running out, my two minutes are up.

对那些认为世界已经走到尽头的人来说,任何普通的天文现象都可以是凶兆。Ordinary astronomical phenomena are imbued with a sense of threat by people who already think the world is going to end.

如果你觉得这是凶兆,那就先用一半热水一半凉水加一碗盐洗个澡来开始这一天。If you think that adds up to bad luck, you'll want to start the day in a bath of half hot and half cold water mixed with a bowl of salt.

在印度东部发生的,被辛格先生乘坐“国内前所未有的安全挑战”的,印度毛派叛乱就是一个明显的凶兆。Maoist insurgency in eastern India, which Mr Singh has called "the greatest internal security challenge we have ever faced", is an obvious ill omen.

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虽然兴登堡凶兆引起了轰动,但他的投资简报名气不响,只有100名订户,远不如兴登堡凶兆出名。Despite the publicity surrounding the Hindenburg Omen, his obscure investment newsletter, which has just 100 subscribers, hasn't fared quite as well.

例如决斗之后,失败的冈田留下两张充满血腥的照片,作者就以第一人称点明这是可怕事件的凶兆。For example, after a duel, the failure of Okada left two bloody photos, the author of This is highlighted in the first person is a bad omen for the terrible events.

另外,资产质量日益恶化的凶兆加上市场对“积极进攻型”贷款预期的增加,可能引发优质资产不足以“对抗这种趋势”。That, plus the threat of worsening asset quality and expected "aggressive" loan growth, may leave some with insufficient Tier 1 capital "to withstand these forces".