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咱们到迪斯科舞厅去。Free entry to discotheque.

舞厅突然亮了起来。The ballroom suddenly lit up.

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我喜欢在迪斯科舞厅跳舞。Me gusta bailar en las discotecas.

我将陪你去舞厅。I will attend you to the dance hall.

本镇有迪斯科舞厅吗?。Is there a discotheque in this town?

他乔装打扮了一下就混进了舞厅。He went into the ballroom in disguise.

杰克带玛丽绕着舞厅跳舞。Jack danced Marry around the ballroom.

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舞厅里洋溢着友好的气氛。The dance hall dripped with good will.

我在舞厅里偶然遇见一位朋友。I dropped across a friend at the ballroom.

我为聚会安排了迪斯科舞厅。I've booked the discotheque for the party.

聚会在豪华的舞厅里举行。The party was held in the grand ball-room.

在迪斯科舞厅我爱听他的音乐跳舞。I love to dance to his music in the discos.

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一种比较下贱的名声不好的夜总会或舞厅。A disreputable or run-down bar or nightclub.

我给他买的书和电脑迪斯科舞厅。I have bought him books and computer discos.

你去迪斯科舞厅跳过舞吗?。Do you go to the Discotheque and dance disco?

约翰及他的同夥走进了那家迪斯可舞厅。John and his crowd went into the discotheque.

酒店和舞厅是消磨时间的好地方。Pubs and discos are good places to kill time.

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大很多的迪司可舞厅,而且开到很晚。There are many discos , and they are open late.

请告诉我最大的迪斯科舞厅在哪里?。Please tell me where the largest discotheque is?

人们在时髦的娱乐舞厅里跳这种舞蹈。It was performed in fashionable Casino ballrooms.