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从水田出来的“签儿”是什么“签儿”?What came out of rice fields KUJI 2 KUJI?

中国水田花亚族植物的整理。A review of the subtribe Adininae in China.

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旱地变水田。Dry land has been turned into paddy fields.

支撑防水密封良好,适用于水田作业。Water-tight sealed supports for rice cultivations.

山地居民在河边台地开垦出一畦畦的水田。Aborigines developed these paddy fields beside a river.

菥蓂,水田芥任一与其类似的植物,如菥蓂和水田芥。Any of several related plants, such as pennycress and watercress.

我看到河渠里水田旁边有一只田鸡。刚我看到它就它潜入污浊的水中然后泅泳逃了。I found a Black-spotted Pond Frog in the ditch near the paddy field.

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提出了改善水田耕整机综合性能的途径。Approaches for improving their overall performances are also proposed.

据麦基斯称,水田芥是另一种消除口臭的好方法。Watercress is another great way to battle bad breath, according to McKeith.

很慢,还是,一件小事,可是,耙不平水田,那就不能。Is very slow, still, a small matter, but, rake gravamen paddy field, that can't.

水田耘耥是水稻田间管理的一项重要农事活动,已有悠久的历史。Weeding, with a long history, is an important step of farming in the paddy field.

例如西红柿就不喜湿土壤但是水田芥就反之,这正如水田芥的名字所示的那样。For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests.

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例如,西红柿不喜欢湿润的土壤,但水田芥物如其名,喜欢湿土。For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil, but watercress does, as the name suggests.

事实上从1960年以来,印度的水田耕作面积每年都高于中国。In fact, India has had more land under paddy cultivation than China every year since 1960.

应开展落干期间水田作为大气甲烷汇的作用的研究。During drought conditions, the role of rice paddies acting as methane sink should be estimated.

水田芥可以在一天前准备,冷却时,可以将它放在密封的盒子中,用潮湿的毛巾包起来。Watercress can be trimmed 1 day ahead and chilled in a sealed bag lined with damp paper towels.

盆栽试验覆膜旱种稻田土壤N2O平均排放量是常规水田的3.31倍。The N2O flux of the GCRPS field was 3.31 times of the normal waterlog paddy field in pot experimentation.

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城市、经济开发区发展过热,大量占用良田,水田比重呈逐年下降趋势。The city, unfolds , massively takes the fertile farmland, the paddy field proportion assumes drops year by year.

但其在水田土壤C、N转化过程中究竟起多大作用仍不明确。However the contribution of DOM to microbially mediated C and N transformations in paddy soils is not quantified.

土壤腐殖酸碳占SOC总量的比例为竹林最高,依次为茶园、林地、水田,旱地最低。The average content of SOCof bamboo land, dryland and tea garden was lower, but the difference was not significant.