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法学院的学制是三年,So there are three years of law school,

全日制学习形式,学制三年。Full-time study form, system for three years.

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法国哪个学校的硕士便宜,学制短!Please recommand a university of master degree!

国家建立科学的学制系统。The State establishes a scientific schooling system.

允个又向干作勾学习制知玖识土土超过向学校况学制知枝西。What a person learn at work is much more than the knowledge learned in school.

实际上学制两年的语文课也无法做到课课都这样。In fact, two years'teaching plan can not allow you to do all of this each class.

我国正处于高速发展的信息数字化时代,这一学制已偏离轨道,并且对学生和家长而言都是一种负担。It's a burden for both students and parents and is out of step with the fast-moving digital age.

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自1904年“壬戌学制”颁布以来,我国的技术教育已走过了整整百年的发展历程。The technology education of our country has been developing since the 1904 school system was issued.

而英国前一段时间放弃了4年的学制,而缩短成3年学制。Our cousins in the U.K. abandoned the four-year schedule for the shorter three-year one a long time ago.

旨在培养医学领域的“精英人才”的长学制教育模式应之而出。On such a situation, the long-term medical education model is emerged to produce elites in medical field.

弹性学制给学生带来了益处,是高等教育改革的方向。One of educational system reforms is implementing flexible educational system, students have benefited from it.

小学学制实行“五改六”后,小学教师缺额甚大。Since the primary school changed five years to six years, the primary school teachers have become less and less.

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高职教育学制改革目前存在着社会的认同度不高和高职院校办学机制不相适应等诸多问题。It is facing many issues at present, such as society misunderstanding and running school mechanism unfit for it, etc.

中国的中学实行的是六年学制,学生被老师塞了整整六年的教科书与考试用书。Chinese high school has 6 years. The students are filled with the whole six-year textbooks and reference books for exams.

对日本近代学校制度的学习和移植直接促进了中国现代学制的建立。Learning and transplanting Japanese modern school system also stimulated the establishment of Chinese modern school system.

硕士研究生学制改革是我国研究生教育改革的热点问题。Master student's length of schooling is a hot topic in theory and practice of educational reform for post-graduate students.

项目学制二年,第一年在法国巴黎政治学院学习,第二年在复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院学习。The program consists of two years training. The first year is in Paris, and the second year in Fudan University in Shanghai.

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区内有3所双语幼儿园和小学至高中12年学制的双语学校。In the zone, there are 3 bilingual kindergartens and 12- year-schooling bilingual school from elementary school to high school.

“358”学制改革,是依托博洛尼亚进程,在法国高等教育上进行的一次深刻的改革。"358"reform of educational system is a significant reform in the field of French higher education depending on Bologna process.

中国和日本在地理上是邻近的国家,经济和文化交往历史源远流长。在引进近代学制之前,两国的教育制度是相似的。China and Japan are very close geographically and historically, and they have a close relationship in their culture and economy.