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严寒或酷暑时,为着花粉,疲于奔命。Cold or heat, for the pollen, exhausted.

玛丽.贝思不会感到累了,史蒂文不会疲于奔命了Mary Beth won't be tired. Steven won't be rushed.

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虽疲于奔命,但大家都毫无怨言。Although lampoon, but everybody have no complaint.

这种疲于奔命的生活方式对我们的血压会有什么影响呢?So what is this hurry-up lifestyle doing to our blood pressure?

否则你不仅会被压得喘不过气了,而且员工也会疲于奔命。Not only are you in danger of being overwhelmed, but also so are your employees.

古罗马人每周有9天,你肯定是个疲于奔命的“千夫长”。You know, the romans had a 9-day week. You would have been a really tired centurion.

我在疲于奔命中陷入疯狂,每次我登机后总是祈祷一次坠机。I was tired and crazy and rushed, and every time I boarded a plane, I wanted the plane to crash.

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她手法高超,利用大角度斜线球和扣杀迫使对手疲于奔命。She is all finesse, employing wide-angle and drop shots and forcing her opponents into movement.

烦恼、懒惰和失败,这些拦路虎被想象夸大了,使得疲于奔命邓恩评论。Boredom, laziness and failure . These bugaboos, magnified by imagination, keep runningDun's Review.

这些飞人们执行任务时往往疲于奔命,拖着重达160磅的装备。Those airmen are often weighed down on these missions, lugging as much as 160 pounds worth of stuff.

百姓在这种苛政下疲于奔命,有些人实在受不了就只好挺而走险。People are tired out under the severe governance. Some can't stand and then take risk in desperation.

我常觉得员工和我只是在为“灭火”而疲于奔命,而非让一切运行良好!I often feel that my staff and I only put fires out instead of really getting everything running well!

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同时它可以确保小热还原度和机械调节时间,在时间疲于奔命。Simultaneously it ensures small degree thermic and mechanic regulators fatiguing in the duration of time.

把球回深会使你的对手在底线疲于奔命,并使你自己可以上网拦击对手的球。Keeping the shot deep will trap your opponent at the baseline and allow you to come in and attack the net.

一棵倒下的树冰疲于奔命旧Herhey路伊丽莎白,宾夕法尼亚州,星期三,2011年2月2日坐。A fallen tree weighed down with ice sits on Old Herhey Road in Elizabethtown, Pa. , Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011.

这支神出鬼没的游击队搞得侵略者疲于奔命。This guerrilla detachment which mysteriously appeared and disappeared kept the invaders constantly on the run.

现在我知道了,原来世界是如此的无能为力,就像一台疲于奔命的庞大老旧的机器,漠然看着泛滥产出的残次品。Now I know that the world is as exhausted as an over-loaded antique machine, indifferent to any loss and fault.

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严厉的法律和城市管理官员,即“城管”,用罚款和干扰来让他们疲于奔命。Stringent laws and urban management officials, known as chengguan, keep them on the run with fines and harassment.

我明白,你很忙,你有很多事情要处理,但是不要每3分钟就查一下邮箱,如果那样你就应该明白邮件对你产生了什么影响——它让你疲于奔命而没有效率。Stop checking your email every 3 minutes and see how that changes your work. See if it affects how busy you really are.

政客们希望在那一个月里让我们疲于奔命,为他们和他们的朋友发财卖命。It's about politicians hoping it keeps us busy for a month and making enormous amounts of money for themselves and their friends.