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我是个两面派!I'm two-faced!

它在耍两面派。It played both sides.

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耍两面派终归不会有好下场。Double-dealers will come to no good end.

欺骗性的或两面派的手法。A fraudulent or duplicitous representation.

现在的顽固分子,就是这种两面派。The die-hards of today are precisely such double-dealers.

反革命分子怎样耍两面派手法呢?How do counter-revolutionaries employ their double-dealing tactics?

这些故事表明,一些为美国提供情报的人士在耍两面派。They suggest that some US intelligence sources have been double-dealing them.

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“你会说我是两面派,但我们早已走上正轨,”他说。"You say I did a volte-face, but we are going back many years now, " he said.

克林姆林宫对他们眼中的两面派、贪婪的巴基耶夫没有任何同情。The Kremlin shed no tears for Mr Bakiyev, whom it saw as two-faced and greedy.

当坦尼娅得知马克与第三者暗中亲热对她不忠时,她对他搞两面派怒不可遏。When Tanya learned that Mark had been two-timing her, she was furious at his duplicity.

瑞丁女士称法国在此事的处理上对欧盟大搞两面派。Mrs Reding said Paris had been duplicitous in its dealings with the European authorities.

今后长期一段时间,越南的外交政策将会实行这种“两面派”的方针。In the long term, Vietnam's foreign policy will bemade under the cover of this "two-faced" approach.

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从理论上讲,我没做错,但我还是觉得自己不太诚实,实际上,我确实有点两面派。Technically, I hadn’t done anything wrong, but I felt dishonest and I was certainly being duplicitous.

将这种两面派分子,和汉奸亲日派加以区别。We make a distinction between such people with a dual character and the traitors and pro-Japanese elements.

如果有人是两面派,那你将会有毁灭性的觉悟,决定和这个人来个了断。If someone has been duplicitous , it may come as devastating disillusioning news and may bring a final break with that person.

我告诉她你就是公主好吧。不只是我。所有的女孩子都是公主。甚至是像你一样的流鼻涕的,两面派的笨蛋,拉维尼。I told her that's what you were. -Well, not just me. All girls are princesses. Even snotty, two-faced bullies like you, Lavinia.

巴基斯坦实际上处境尴尬,Zardari政府和巴基斯坦面临指责,指责他们对本-拉登要么无能为力,要么搞两面派,随你挑!The Zardari government and Pakistan’s military face charges they were either incompetent or duplicitous over bin Laden. Take your pick.

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四喜来向钦差告别,见钦差被王发的假脸孔骗了,急忙说王发只是一个势利的两面派而已。Four xi to an imperial farewell, I saw was an imperial Wang Fa cheated by the false face, said quickly Wang Fa just a snobbish two-faced.

我知道怎么对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at he first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.

我知道怎样搪塞两面派,并且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面奉迎的人。I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.