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昨天我钓了一条黑鱼。Yesterday I caught a mullet.

它向小黑鱼游去,两条小黑鱼甩甩尾巴游走了。Swimmy swim it to go, two Swimmy Shuaishuai walk the tail.

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有一天这群小红鱼都被可怕的大鲔鱼一口吃掉了,只有小黑鱼逃过一劫。"We can't , "said the little red fish, "The big fish will eat us all.

黑鱼河峡谷的柱状节理雄奇壮观。The columnar jointing in the Black Fish Gorge displays a most spectacular sight.

中国常见的有鲶鱼、黑鱼,它们离开水以后能活一个小时甚至一天。China have a common catfish, snakehead , they can live out of water after an hour or a day.

整个湖都被放了毒,其水域里的成百条其它的鱼类都死了,以此来阻止黑鱼的繁衍。Whole lakes were poisoned, wiping out hundreds of other fish in the process, to stop the snakefish from spreading.

巨大的黑鱼会吃掉某个水域中的任何东西,然后,在陆地上爬行至另一个池塘或湖里。The giant snakehead will eat absolutely everything in a body of water then crawl over land to the next pond or lake.

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人们了解到雌性黑鱼会攻击人类,事实上,有时会杀死离它的幼鱼靠得太近的人类。Female snakeheads have been known to attack and sometimes actually kill human beings who get too close to juvenile fish.

在山谷的莎草沼泽和顶峰的沼泽里,可看到宽齿髭鼠、北夜宴蛙和河黑鱼。Watch out for the rare broad-tooth rat, northern corroboree frog and river blackfish in the sedge fens in the valleys and bogs on the peaks.

这种能长到三英尺长的黑鱼捕食其他鱼类,并且可以穿过陆地去其他湖泊和川流中寻找新的事物源。The snakehead, which can grow up to 3 feet long, eats other fish and can walk across land to find new sources of food in other lakes and streams.

黑鱼成长繁衍于温暖的水域,而在英格兰北部,其冰冷的水域也许会在黑鱼的数量失控之前控制这一问题。The snakehead thrives in warmer water, and the freezing waters in northern England may help take care of the problem before it spirals out of control.

一个为从经济危机中恢复而铤而走险的小镇,时下正处于在化学有毒物质污染的湖泊中幸存下来,突变的凶残的黑鱼威胁下。A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings.

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这种巨大的黑鱼是一种食肉鱼类,在它的途径之地,几乎任何东西都能供它享用,并导致它所进入的地区的各种灾害。The giant snakehead is a carnivorous fish that feasts on pretty much anything in its path, and has caused all manner of destruction in places where it has been introduced.

本发明的黑鱼膨化配合颗粒饲料能增强黑鱼免疫能力、防病治病,并改善黑鱼肉质和风味。The puffed snakehead compound particle feed of the invention can strengthen snakehead immunological capability, prevent and treat diseases and improve snakehead meat quality and flavour.

水产主要有罗非鱼、河蟹、甲鱼、优质鲫鱼、白鲳、白鲨、黑鱼、鲶鱼、美国回鱼、青虾、鳝鱼、泥鳅、蚌类等。Fisheries are mainly tilapia, crab, soft-shelled turtle, quality carp, white butterfish , white shark, fish, catfish, the United States to fish, Macrobrachium nipponense, eel, loach, such as mussels.

如果水体的附近被污染了,那些别的地方也很可能马上被污染到,因为黑鱼可以在它寻觅新家时离水生活4天之久。If there’s an infestation near any other bodies of water, those other areas are almost sure to be infested soon because the snakehead can survive four days out of water while it looks for a new home.