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章节应该按照编年体的顺序来安排,并且应该清楚明了的。Chapters are read in chronological order and make sense.

这一体例的设计,强化了编年体文学史的表现力。This, as a designed structure, keeps a strong possibility to tell the history vividly even in a chronological model.

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这本书成为中国历史上第一部编年体通史,是中国古代珍贵的文化遗产。This book became the model for later chronicle history books, and is a precious cultural inheritance of ancient China.

前面提到,编年体易于用倾向统一的思想记述分裂时期的历史。As mentioned earlier, chronological body is easy to use tend to split the period of a unified account of the history of ideas.

这部纪传体的晋史之所以误作编年体的史书,也是有因可寻的。As for why the biographical history book History of the Jin Dynasty was mistaken for a chronicle, there was certain traceable cause.

如同许多长篇编年体叙事性作品一样,它注重挖掘细节,不过这是否可取尚有争议。Like many long, chronological narratives, it becomes progressively more detailed, though it is debatable whether this is a good thing.

如同许多长篇编年体叙事性作品一样,它注重挖掘细节,不过这可取尚有争议。Like many long, chronological narratives, it becomes progressively more detailed, though it is debatable whether this is a good thing.

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好像许多长篇编年体叙事性做品一样,它注重挖掘细节,不过这能否可取尚有争议。Like many long, chronological narratives , it becomes progressively more detailed, though it is debatable whether this is a good thing.

Stone与其他想为他们自己的时代作编年体传记的大多数人一样,也的确就布什做出了一些将来会被推翻的有根据的猜测。Stone, like most others trying to chronicle their own time, has undoubtedly made educated guesses about Bush that will turn out to be wrong.

借助剪贴簿、相册和这些女人们的回忆,Zaslow先生以编年体的形式描述了她们亲密关系的形成、发展及维系。Using scrapbooks, photo albums and the women’s own memories, Mr. Zaslow chronicles how their close friendships have shaped their lives and continue to sustain them.