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乔伊斯·德席尔瓦,关爱世界牧业Joyce d’Silva, Compassion in World Farming

牧业在新西兰是高度机械化的。Farming in New Zealand is highly mechanized.

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牧业税已经在全国范围内废除。The livestock tax has been rescinded nationwide.

马牧业科学专业学习马及与马相关的商业。Students of this major learn about horses and the businesses that depend on them.

适用于牧业区和以牧业区为主的半农半牧区,蚕桑区。It is applicable to pasturing areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pasturing areas, silkworm areas.

蒙汉民杂处、牧业成为辅业、牧民变成农民。Miscellaneous Hanmin Mongolia, the animal husbandry as a secondary industry, pastoralists into farmers.

对蒙牛现代牧业的投资及该公司的扩张计划正是解决这个问题的一项尝试。The investment and expansion plans for Mengniu Modern Animal Husbandry is one attempt to solve that problem.

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从2004年开始第一产业为农业、林业、牧业、渔业及农林牧渔服务业。The Primary Industry has included Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Their Services Since 2004.

中国蒙牛乳业参与投资蒙牛现代牧业,符合它提高在中国奶牛养殖业中参与度的战略。China Mengniu Dairy's investment fits with its strategy of boosting its presence in the dairy-farming industry.

祝贺禾丰牧业股份有限公司十年来在中国饲料界取得的惊人的成功。Congratulations to Wellhope Agri-tech Corporation on a fabulously successful first decade in the feed industry.

根瘤菌与豆科植物形成的根瘤或茎瘤固氮共生体系在农、林、牧业的可持续发展中具有重要作用。The symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes is important to the sustaining farming, forest and animal husbandry.

北疆的牧业的经营以群牧司官营为主,其畜群都十分庞大,动辄以千计。The main management form of animal husbandry was called Qun-mu-si which kept large herds of more than thousands.

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据此,制定出了该州农、林、牧业的发展战略及措施。According to these, the developing strategy and measures of the agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry are formulated.

蒙古族节日民俗是反映蒙古族牧业生活特征的文化形式。Mongolian festival folk-custom is a kind of culture which reflects the stock raising living character of Mongolian people.

河南新大牧业总经理李长青担忧,此事会毁全行业。Li Changqing, general manager of Xinda Husbandry Company based in Henan, said the case would severely damage the whole industry.

旱地农业,灌溉农业和牛羊牧业是美国西部大平原地区的主要活动。Dry farming ,irrigation farming,and the cattle and sheep herding are the main activities of the Great Plains of the American West.

旱地农业,灌溉农业和牛羊牧业是美国西部大平原地区的主要活动。Dry farming ,irrigation farming,and the cattle and sheep herding are the main cativities of the Great Plains of the American West.

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上海光明荷斯坦牧业有限公司是一家具有50多年奶牛饲养经验的综合性牧业服务公司。Shanghai Bright Holstan Co. , Ltd. is a comprehensive animal husbandry company with more than 50-year dairy cattle raising experience.

该区生态环境不断恶化,严重制约了当地牧业生产和地方经济的发展。The serious eco-environment problems of the region gravely restricted the development of local husbandry production and regional economy.

全部取消了农业税、牧业税、和特产税,每年减轻农民负担1335亿元。The abolition of all agricultural taxes, animal husbandry, tax and specialty tax annually reduce the burden on peasants 133.5 billion yuan.