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疯狂的贝蒂是一个女巫。Batty Betty is a witch.

仔细探讨IEM交易者的特质,可能会让统计学家抓狂。On close inspection, the characteristics of IEM traders would drive a statistician batty.

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贝蒂博士说这一研究也对简化对公众的健康信息有好处。Dr Batty suggests there may also be benefits from simplifying health information for the public.

比如在办公室里举办的有奖竞猜活动中,那个根据各队吉祥物的可爱程度来选择胜者的三八,总会比你挑的胜利者准确。That batty lady who picks the winners based on the cuteness of the mascots will crush you in your office pool.

我一下班就赶到市中心区的报馆,打电话给贝蒂姨。她整天都在和她的老朋友们通电话。Then i raced down town to the newspaper and called Aunt Batty. Aunt Batty had been telephoning all her old friends all day.

你的控制狂行为已经让你身边的人抓狂了,而你很可能毫不自知!这篇文章将告诉你如何减轻症状。You might not know it, but your controlling behaviors are making people around you batty. Here are a few ways to ease up already.

我们想知道,关于低社会经济地位会带来更高患心血管病风险的原因是什么,“Batty教授说。“We wanted to know what is it about low socio-economic status that gives you a higher risk of cardiovascular disease,” explained Dr Batty.

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蝙蝠侠用他的“翅膀”抓住了坏蛋,可是它却没有像真蝙蝠那样用牙齿打败自己的猎物。他用的是蝙蝠飞镖或其它蝙蝠式装备。Batman catches bad guys in his "wings", but he doesn't use teeth to defeat prey like some real bats do. He uses Batarangs or other batty devices.

蝙蝠侠用他的“翅膀”抓住了坏蛋,可是它却没有像真蝙蝠那样用牙齿打败自己的猎物。他用的是蝙蝠飞镖或其它蝙蝠式装备。Batman catches bad guys in his "wings", but he does not use teeth to defeat prey like some real bats do. He uses Batarangs or other batty devices.

低智商的人可能更容易有自杀倾向是因为他们可能在诉说或者解决个人问题上有更多的困难。People with a lower IQ may be more likely to attempt suicide because they may have more trouble talking about or resolving personal problems, Batty suggests.

大卫博士和他的同事们发现低智商和高死亡率有很大的关联,比如意外事故,冠状型心脏病和自杀的死亡率。Dr David Batty and colleagues, found that a lower IQ was strongly associated with a higher risk of death from causes such as accidents, coronary heart disease and suicide.

欧文的神奇进球和贝克汉姆踢倒西蒙尼被罚离场永远也不会被遗忘,但在点球大战中,保罗-因斯和大卫-巴蒂射失点球使得英格兰被淘汰。Michael Owen's wonder goal and David Beckham's dismissal for kicking out at Diego Simeone are enduring images, but shoot-out misses by Paul Ince and David Batty prompted England's exit.