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云层使太阳黯然无光。Clouds obscure the sun.

不可思议的,含糊难解的。Of a mysterious or obscure nature.

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我对这意义还很模糊。The meaning is still obscure to me.

你的观点很叫我费解。Your ideas seem very obscure to me.

那是五月初的一个朦胧的夜晚。It was an obscure night of early May.

这个名字的词源尚不清楚。The etymology of the name is obscure.

而隐晦得像犹太人的天宇And obscure as that heaven of the Jews

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它不公开,因为它是在地下进行的。It is obscure because it is underhand.

阴暗,模糊的云阻挡着路。The dim, obscure clouds got into her way.

可是我们可以看到,这问题是怎样地暗昧难明。We shall see how obscure this subject is.

杰克警告他不要给这次行动添乱。Jack warns him not to obscure the mission.

看起来只对晦涩的学识感兴趣。They seem interested in obscure knowledge.

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因或似因雾遮盖或使之轮廓不清。To cover or obscure with or as if with fog.

根据该词出现的那句话就可以得知这里讲述的是“苏美尔人的起源仍然不清。The origin of the Sumerians remains obscure.

所有我知道的——所有的黑暗和晦涩all that I know—all that is dark and obscure.

“隐”与“翩”这两个字颇有点朦胧的味道。"Implicit" and "Pina" is rather obscure taste.

因或似因雾遮盖或使之轮廓不清。Befog To cover or obscure with or as if with fog.

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人们对博纳病毒的认识一开始是模糊的和古怪的。The borna virus is at once obscure and grotesque.

为了寻求一个如此渺茫的证据,你心尽力竭,一死了之。You dry up and die in quest of a proof so obscure.

昨晚,一个计划在我脑中模糊出现。Last night, an obscure project peered upon my mind.