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一个能同步的文件夹。A folder that syncs.

用文件夹开始一个过程。Start a process with a folder.

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您不可以将回收筒资料夹复制。You cannot copy this trash folder.

将它放在项目文件夹里面。Place it inside the project folder.

逢观景窗全部卷宗。It closes all folder viewing windows.

让我们考虑一个文件夹作为类比。Let's consider a file folder analogy.

在内部,您应该看到“DC8”文件夹。Inside, you should see a "DC8" folder.

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她从文件夹中取出文件。She drew the document from its folder.

不要将他们列入你的主要阅读文件。DO NOT put them in your primary folder.

提取物在您所选择的文件夹拉链。Extract zips in a folder of your choice.

我们建议您创建一个新文件夹。We recommend that you create a new folder.

安装到非默认文件夹位置Installation to non-default folder location

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不需要,只要装在不同的文件夹里即可。No. Install ZBrush 3 to a different folder.

可以将它放置在任何项目或文件夹中。You can locate it in any project or folder.

浏览至资料夹而非工作区。Browse to a folder other than the workspace.

Linux发行版的下载文件夹可以设置Download folder for Linux distros can be set

我的收藏夹链接是文件夹和计算机。My favorite link is the folder and computer.

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双击所需的团队项目文件夹。Double-click the desired team project folder.

文章认为,银行在档案夹信息。Find article banks and file info in a folder.

输入用于存储新电子表单的文件夹名称。Enter the folder name to store the new e-form.