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看着辆灵车。Look at the hearse.

柩车由一队青年牵引着。The hearse was drawn by young men.

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他们没看见灵车。They don't see the hearse anymore.

更带来瘟疫,将灵车顶替了婚床。And blights with plague the Marriage hearse.

带者瘟疫肆虐张狂,直把婚礼变成灵堂。And blights with Plagues the Marriage hearse.

酗酒的司机把酒放在柩车之前。Drunk drivers put the quart before the hearse.

灵车要一直滚到坟坑边。The hearse will drive directly up to the grave.

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这里没有人——只有一辆空灵车。There was no one to be seen – just an empty hearse.

灵车在明天几点钟来取棺材?At what time will the hearse come for the coffin to-morrow?

就连灵车都不会有,为什么呢?,因为没有尸体!There's not going to be a hearse. Why not? There's no body!

灵车停下来,殡仪执事们兜着您的棺材结上一根绳子,把您吊下去。The hearse halts, the undertaker's men knot a rope around your coffin and lower you down.

火化场来了辆车把老陈拉走,管事儿的同意我们给他送送行。The hearse arrives and brings him away. We are allowed to hold a little ceremony for Chen.

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第二天,再派一辆丧车和几个殡仪执事来把那棺材抬到公墓去。The next day it sends a hearse and undertaker's men to get the coffin and carry it to the cemetery.

为表示尊敬,在每年三月举行的派对上都会出现灵车游行,婴儿棺材赛跑和冷冻火鸡保龄球比赛等活动。This annual March party honors him with a hearse parade, kid coffin races, and frozen turkey bowling.

于是在另外两个人的帮助下,人们轻轻的将棺木送进灵车,关上门。And so, with the help of two others, they gently eased the coffin into the hearse and closed the door.

阿旗队进行了赫里斯塔麦考利夫仍然从一到多佛空军基地在灵车飞机。A color guard carries the remains of Christa McAuliffe from a plane to a hearse at Dover Air Force Base.

两个灰色制服上有黑丝带盘花装饰的殡仪执事走在灵车的左右两旁。后面还有一个穿着工人服的瘸腿老人。Two undertaker's men in gray uniforms trimmed with black walked on the right and the left of the hearse.

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悼念者们经过停在一旁的灵车走进灵堂,灵车里停放的是爱因斯坦的遗体。Mourners walk into the service for Einstein, passing the parked hearse that carried his body from Princeton.

那辆盖了一块白布和一个黑十字架的灵车走进伏吉拉尔公墓大路时,太阳还没有下去。The sun had not yet set when the hearse with the white pall and the black cross entered the avenue of the Vaugirard cemetery.

都到了用鲜花装饰利西达斯的灵车,的时候了读者才突然领会到。And it's at the height of this vision of our floral decoration of Lycidas' hearse that the speaker is suddenly caught up short.